Lifestyle Survey 

It's that time of year for the annual Lifestyle survey. We would like to gather feedback on past events and gain insight into how we can build new events and programs tailored to your lifestyle. We invite residents to complete this survey, this will help us to better serve our community and bring new and exciting events that you would like to see and be a part of.

Take The Survey Now

Holiday Event Survey

As we are planning for 2023, we want to make sure upcoming calendars offer diverse and culturally rich events and programs for our entire community to enjoy. To help us celebrate everyone who lives here, we are asking you for a little bit of help and insight. Below are a couple of holidays we would like to try to highlight next year and in years to come. If you celebrate any of these holidays, please complete the survey below!

  • Lunar New Year
  • Holi
  • Ramadan
  • Pride Month
  • Juneteenth
  • Diwali
  • Hanukkah
  • Kwanzaa

Holiday Event Survey
Your Association Management Team

Christian Judy, Community Manager

Amanda Luke, Lifestyle Director

Association Office Located at
The Gathering Place 2. We recommend making an appointment, as the team is regularly out and about within the community!

HOA Mailing Address:
752 Arrowbrooke Avenue
Aubrey, TX 76227
Arrowbrooke Community Association is proudly and professionally managed by