HoursRegular Schedule and Holiday Hours 
Christmas: closed Sunday, December 24th, and Monday, December 25th.
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day: open Sunday, December 31st, 1-5pm; closed Monday, January 1st.
Main Library 
Town Meeting Update
Peter Struzziero, Belmont Public Library Director

At the November 13th Town Meeting Kathy Keohane in her role as Chair of the Library Trustees, and Ellen Schrieber a member of the Belmont Library Foundation Board of Directors gave a presentation to Town Meeting Members requesting the appointment of a Building Committee and appropriation of 50% of funding to begin a schematic and design phase to aid in capital fundraising. Town Meeting Members voted 215 in favor and just 21 opposed, succeeding in our hopes that we could move into this next phase of our work. Town Moderator Mike Widmer will work to appoint this committee in the month of December with plans to begin meeting in January of 2018. 

We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts and look forward to the future and all the possibilities. 

For more information please contact Library Director Peter Struzziero, or members of our Board of Library Trustees.   
West Wing Closure
Earlier this month we restricted public access to our West Wing in order to have new insulation installed above the ceiling. We were thrilled to see a new energy efficient boiler installed this fall and in order for it to work most efficiently two areas of the building must have new insulation installed. We expect the West Wing to reopen sometime in December, at which point we will begin the process over on the East Wing. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time; we will work to reopen the room as soon as we are able. Please be aware that we will lose access to some seating temporarily during this work.  

Meet the new Belmont Library Foundation President                                             
Library Foundation President_ David Stievater
David Stievater, Library Foundation President

As the new Library project gains momentum with Town Meeting's approval of a Library Building Committee, this is a great time to introduce the Belmont Library Foundation! The Foundation, a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) corporation, was formed several years ago to undertake promotional and fundraising activities for the Belmont Public Library, including for new construction of the property, buildings, facilities and/or other assets of the Library. Now that we will be in the schematic design phase of the Library project, the Foundation is preparing a major capital campaign to help fund the new building.  We will be working collaboratively with other groups that support the Library, including the Friends of The Library. 
Huge thanks are in order to Past President Clair Colburn and current Treasurer  Jeff Cronin for keeping the Foundation active without a building project over the last four years. Happily, both have agreed to remain on the new Foundation Board, joined by myself, Marcie Hirsch, Larry Link, Christina Marsh, Sarah Phillips, Ellen Schreiber and Marsha Semuels.    All of us are very excited to be entering this new phase of the Library project! Stay tuned as we keep you updated on our progress.     
David Stievater, President, Belmont Library Foundation
A note from the Friends

Help Wanted!
Have you been thinking, "Hey, I wish I could get more involved with the Library?".The Friends need help with the following volunteer projects.  Email Sally Martin for more info.
  1. Marketing materials - We need help with project management, copywriting, and graphic design for two pieces of collateral.
  2. Membership/Software -If you are familiar with CRM or Fundraising software and can assist with finding the perfect (Cheap! Easy to use!) option to meet our requirements, please let us know.
  3. Publicity Review -Suggest and implement improvements and additions to our publicity efforts.
  1. Beautification - We always need people to help plan and execute improvements to Library grounds.
  2. Book operations -We always need help with book sorting and book sales. This is very flexible and is perfect for anyone who loves browsing through piles of books.
Friends Annual Pop-up Book Sale
Saturday, December 9th, 1-4pm
Library Flett Room
Missed the sale? Don't worry! We have another one-day sale coming on the afternoon of Saturday, December 9th. We are restocking our inventory so now is also a great to time to clear out your bookshelves. Drop off book donations any time the Library is open for business - there is a door at the rear of the building where you can enter to drop off donations.

A separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Friends of Belmont Public Library enhances programs and services for all library users. Click here to join or donate to the Friends. Click here if to find out more about volunteering with the Friends.

Sally Martin, President, Friends of The Belmont Public Library

Fine Forgiveness 
Fine Forgiveness

We will be offering Fine Forgiveness starting on Friday December 15th and ending on Sunday December 31st, New Years Eve. All overdue fines on BELMONT items will be eligible for forgiveness. Charges for lost or damaged items are not eligible, nor are fines from other libraries. Please bring a non-perishable food item to the Library when you come to have your fines forgiven. All food items will be given to the Belmont Food Pantry to help support those in need. Suggested donations include: coffee, tea & hot chocolate; canned chili with meat and stews; canned beets, peas, mixed vegetables, and mushrooms; mac n cheese & pasta, tuna fish, canned fruit and cereal. We will also gladly accept toiletry products, or gift cards to a local grocery store. Thank you for your generosity
3D Printing
Saturday, December 2nd, 10am-12pm
Library Assembly Room
Create your own 3D design using Tinkercad, an online 3D design & printing app.  Dedham Librarian John Walsh will teach participants the basics of 3D design & guide them to design their own unique creations.  No design or 3D experience necessary.  All equipment & software provided.   
Inform your Investments 
Thursday, December 7th, 1pm
Beech Street Center
266 Beech Street
Belmont, MA 02478

Learn About Your Library's Investment Research Options.  Librarian Nancy McColm will demonstrate three resources free to Belmont cardholders: Value Line, Morningstar, and Weiss Financial Ratings.


Dial M for Movies
December's film:
Thursday, December 7th, 6:30pm 
Library Assembly Room
Film Discussion
Tuesday, December 12th, 7pm
Library Flett Room
Learn more about our new  movie club later in the newsletter and the films we are watching in the new year! 
Books and Bites: Laura Harrington to discuss A Catalog of Birds
Monday, December 11th, 11am  
Library Assembly Room
A uthor Laura Harrington will speak on her new novel.  A Catalog of Birds .  

Set in 1970,  A Catalog of Birds  tells the story of the Flynn family and the impact of the Vietnam War on their lives.
Laura Harrington has written dozens of plays, musicals, and operas, which have been produced in venues ranging from off-Broadway to the Houston Grand Opera.  Harrington has twice won the Massachusetts Cultural Council Award in playwriting and the Clauder Competition for best new play in New England.  She teaches playwriting at MIT where she was awarded the 2009 Levitan Prize.   Alice Bliss, her first novel, won the 2012 Massachusetts Book Award in Fiction.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        All are welcome to attend this free program, sponsored by the Friends of the Belmont Public Library.  Refreshments will be provided.  Books will be available for purchase and signing.  The Assembly Room is handicapped accessible.
Tai Chi at the Library 
Saturday, December 16th, 10-11am
Library Assembly Room 
Join us for tai chi at the Library. Tai chi practitioner and coach, Aisling O'Shea, will guide you through this beautiful and low impact form of martial art and meditation. NO equipment necessary, just bring yourself and wear comfortable clothing.  

Additional Classes in the New Year:
Saturday, January 27th, 10-11am, Library Assembly Room
Saturday, February 24th, 10-11am, Library Assembly Room
Saturday, March 10th, 10-11am, Library Assembly Room

Belmont Story Project 
If you have a connection to Belmont, we invite you to join the Belmont Story Project. Modeled after NPR's Storycorps, the Belmont Story Project captures the stories of the people of Belmont, and preserves them for future generations.  To find out more, call 617-993-2870 and ask for Nancy.
English Conversation Circle 
Mondays, 10am-12pm
Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm
Library Flett Room
Come have a conversation in English. Improve your language skills, share experiences, learn about others' cultures, practice grammar, and have fun to boot! These groups are geared toward a high-beginner to low-intermediate level. Sponsored by the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. 

bookgroupsBOOK GROUPS 
Senior Book Discussion Group 
Senior Book Discussion Group--Death Comes for the Archbishop          by Willa Cather

Friday, December 8th at 11:00 AM
Classroom A, Beech Stre et Center,  266 Beech Street, Belmont

The senior book discussion group will discuss the novel  Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather.  The senior book discussion group is co-sponsored by the Belmont Public Library and the Belmont Council on Aging.  All are welcome to attend.

Knitting Club  
Fridays, 12:30-2:30pm 
Library Flett Room

Do you enjoy knitting or would you like to learn how?
Drop in to the Library's Knitting Club, anytime Fridays between 12:30-2:30pm in the Library Flett Room. Bring your knitting, or other portable crafts or projects, and we can get to know each other as we knit.  Jocelyn Milton , club leader, will be available for informal instruction. No sign up or registration necessary, just bring needles and yarn and we'll get you started!
*please note, no club:
Friday, December 22nd
Friday, December 29th  
Movie Club
This fall we started a new club for film lovers, DIAL M FOR MOVIES, hosted by Library Director, Peter Struzziero. Watch the film on your own or at the Library on our Film Screening Night with popcorn and drinks, and then join Peter and other film buffs for a lively discussion!
Screening: Thursday, December 7th, 6:30pm 
Library Assembly Room
Film Discussion: Tuesday, December 12th, 7pm
Library Flett Room
Before you shop this holiday season use Consumer Reports to find the highest rated electronics, appliances, and more for your special someone. Consult the magazine in the library, or go to belmontpubliclibrary.net, then click on Subject Guide > Consumer Issues > Consumer Reports.org. From home you'll need to enter your Belmont library card number.   Questions?  Call 617-993-2870 or email: askbelmont@minlib.net.
December Programming in the Children's Room 
Star Wars Symposium
Saturday, December 2nd, 2pm
Library Assembly Room
Come check out the cool Star Wars hands on museum and learn about the history of Star Wars from our very own library director, Peter Struzziero! We will also play some trivia games and watch some funny pop culture Star Wars Videos. Costumes encouraged! Ages 5+, families welcome. Saturday, December 2, 2 PM in the Assembly Room.
Local Author Lucia Arno-Bersen to read Bark Once for a Cheesburger
Wednesday, December 13h, 3:30pm
Library Assembly Room
Meet local children's author Lucia Arno-Bernsen, as she reads her new picture book  Bark Once for a Cheeseburger. A great story for people of all ages who love dogs, Nantucket, and a heartwarming family story. Recommended for families with children ages 5 and up 

School Vacation Event: Creature Teachers 
Wednesday, December 27th, 2:00pm
Library Assembly Room
Get to know some amazing animals with the educators from Creature Teachers! Which animals will be there? Will it be a wallaby? Or a macaw? Or even a python? It will be a surprise!
Recommended for families with children ages 4 and up.
Lego WeDo Robotics
Tuesday, December 19th, 3:30-4:30pm
Library Flett Room
Kids in grades 2-4 are invited to explore LEGO WeDo robotics in this monthly program.
Storytimes, Playgroups & Programs for Children Ages 5 and Under
*Please note that most storytimes and playgroups will run through December 15th, and begin again in the New Year. 
Infant Storytime
Wednesday, December 6th & 13th, 10:30am
Library Flett Room 
For infants up to 12 months and pre-walkers, this short program of songs and rhymes is followed by time to play and socialize.
Storytime for 1's
Thursday, December 7th & 14th, 10:30am  
Library Flett Room 
For walkers and toddlers under 24 months. We'll share simple stories, songs, and nursery rhymes, and end with time to play.
Storytime for 2's and 3's
Tuesday, December 5th & 12th, 10:30am  
Library Flett Room 
Come listen to stories and rhymes, sing, and even dance!
Preschool Storytime
Wednesday, December 6th & 13th, 9:30 am  
Library Flett Room 
We'll read longer books, sing and dance, and make simple crafts. For 3-5 year olds with a longer attention span.
Early Literacy Playgroup
Friday, December 1st, 8th, 15th, & 22nd, 10:30am
Library Flett Room
This parent and child group supports your child's language and literacy development. You'll play, read, sing and take home new ideas! Presented by educators from the CFCE grant program; for children ages 4 and under.
Music and Movement with Rubi
Two Sessions! Please choose Monday, December 18th, 9:30am OR 10:15am
Library Assembly Room 
For children ages 2-5, this active program will get kids (and their grownups) moving, dancing and having fun!
Teen Art Club
Saturday, December 2nd and 16th, 2-4pm
Library Flett Room 
This teen-led art club meets on Saturday afternoon twice a month. Are you a hidden future artist who always has creative ideas splashing out? Do you want to develop your art skills or learn some new art techniques? Have you ever thought about creating your own art portfolio? Come to Belmont Public Library and share the beauty of art!

Python Programming, Grades 6-9
Wednesdays, December 6th, 13th and 20th, 2-3:30pm
Library Flett Room
Middle schoolers of all skill levels interested in learning the Python programming language are welcome to join this 4-week class! For grades 6 to 9. 
Homework and Hot Chocolate
Wednesday, December 6th, January 3rd, and February 7th
1:30-3:30 pm
Library Assembly Room
IT'S BACK! Middle school students--come and eat snacks, do your homework and then play games, do crafts, or read books. Once a month on Wednesdays (usually the first Wednesday of the month.) Free, drop-in for 5th-8th graders.
Teen Advisory Board
Friday, December 15th, 3:30-5pm
Library Flett Room
Attention teens, grades 9 and up! Looking for a new community service opportunity? Join the teen advisory board. Meetings are held once a month during the school year on Friday afternoons, but you don't have to attend every month. We eat pizza, work on a volunteer project, and plan upcoming teen programs.
Star Wars Interactive Movie
Thursday, December 14th, 3-5:30pm
Assembly Room
Get pumped up for the premiere of The Last Jedi with this free showing of The Force Awakens!  We'll have popcorn, plus a script and props that will have you interacting with the movie and laughing your way through a galaxy far, far away! For grades 6 to 12.

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