We hope you are ready for a relaxing summer. The end of year activities are underway at Seneca. Seneca Past and Present will continue meeting throughout the summer. Don't miss our next meeting on Mon
day, June 5, at 6:00pm in the Band Room.
Senior Breakfast
If you can assist with the Senior Breakfast, be at the large cafeteria at 7:30am on Wednesday, May 24. We will celebrate the Senior class and their new membership in the alumni association.
Hall of Fame
Remember, if you are interested in nominating someone for this year's class go to our website, download the form and follow the instructions. Deadline for applications is June 1st.
The class of 1962 is having their 55th reunion on June 23-24, 2017. Contact Prentice Ethington at PrenticeEthington@msn.com for more information!
The class of 1967 is planning their 50th reunion and all classmates are invited to attend! The reunion will be on Friday and Saturday 04-05 August 2017.