Readying Ourselves to Share...Our Spaces

On June 20th, people across Canada and around the world are commemorating World Refugee Day. At World Partners, and as EMCC, we invite you to join us as we reflect on how we, as individuals and communities of followers of Jesus, are instructed to extend hospitality and community to the stranger and those seeking refuge. 

“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”
1 Timothy 6:18-19 (NASB)

Having affirmed in past campaigns that we co-belong to one another, and can remain in step with what God is already doing, this year we are focusing on how we, as followers of Jesus, can embody a readiness to share all the measure of resource we steward. 

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, we at World Partners want to thank those who contributed to the Humanitarian Coalition in the spring where over $7,000 was donated to CFGB local partners in Ukraine and Moldova continuing to provide emergency food relief and non-food items.

Today’s reflection comes from those within our broader World Partners network who are serving and responding to those affected by conflict in Ukraine. May we pray and participate with them. 
Recognized Global Workers Share Their Spaces

The Bibles have over 30 years of life spent serving, living, and loving their friends, neighbours, and brothers and sisters in Christ across Ukraine. This update comes with details on their context in Ukraine and the purpose of their recent North American travel. 

Ukraine is in a crisis situation which will not go away in the near future as we deal with over 6 million refugees scattered around the world, and over 7 million displaced people within Ukraine. It is a heart-breaking situation.

We have been involved in different ways. Some of our staff or their families chose to leave the country and we have tried to help them either get situated or return. We have designated large sums of money for our local church who has processed over 3,000 refugees. Our city of Rivne in the west of Ukraine is flooded with refugees from the east. We also designated funds to help the Baptist Union as the whole office and all of their workers had to flee from the city of Irpin and set up temporarily in Lviv. They are constantly helping and distributing humanitarian aid and processing refugees. But the crisis is increased for them personally as few funds come in to keep the office running and staff paid.

Our regular ministry of holding evangelism and church planting workshops had to be laid down the day the war started. But Abe has trained many men and some of them have written and told him how thankful they are for the training they have received to present the Gospel. In the midst of trouble and distress people’s hearts are open. We have also made available Gospels of Mark to be distributed as well as other resources.

Our daughter Priscilla and her husband also live in Ukraine and have helped processing refugees as they fled, housing and feeding them in their church, providing basic necessities, even driving into danger areas and helping them to evacuate. At one time their small town of 8,000 was flooded with 20,000 refugees as they live near Kyiv. Now, many of these people either have moved further west or are seeking to return to Kyiv and other areas where the Russians have left.

Right now, we are in North America traveling some 16,000 kilometres seeking to raise funds for renewal of Ukraine. Refugees are already streaming back into Ukraine but most of them are returning to nothing. And of course our deepest concern is for the people themselves. They will need humanitarian assistance for a long time to come but they also need to find hope in order to rebuild. They will need a lot of trauma counseling, and they will need to find peace, the kind that only can come through Christ Jesus.  We are seeking  this fall and winter to establish about 100 “Centers of Hope” across Ukraine to begin building community, provide for emotional and spiritual needs as well as the physical.

And above all, we seek the prayers of God’s people on behalf of the Ukrainian refugees, on behalf the Ukrainians who are helping them, on behalf of the hosts in many countries, that God will minister in and through this crisis.

Visit the Bible's Renew Ukraine website for more details to donate or get in touch with them as they finish their North American tour over the summer.

The Wepplers continue to serve in Romania, in a variety of capacities, including mobilizing the Romanian church with Greater Europe Mission and running an expanding ministry birthed from a secondhand store. 

We are so very proud to be living in the country of Romania and to have even a small part in helping those that are fleeing from their homes under threat of death. God has been mobilizing His Romanian Church and individuals from the very beginning. 

A network of churches is being formed to house refugees for varying lengths of stay, preparing temporary homes for those who have lost their own and finding ways to transport them to wherever their final destinations may be. Every open church and home, is seeking to provide warm meals during their stay, and non-perishable items to send them onwards with. It takes a lot to feed multitudes of the broken-hearted, but the church is rising to the occasion. 

We have hosted a family of six in our home, all the children under 13 from the Odessa area of Ukraine. The father was able to leave because of having 4 children. He cried when he shared with me the anxiety of travelling with his family to the border, but not knowing if the authorities would allow him to leave. We have stayed in touch with this family, and they have arrived safely in northern Germany. Through the time spent with us, they expressed that we gave them “wings to fly” because of our prayers with them during their time here and God’s heart of compassion for them.

The amazing thing for me was the sense of community I experienced when I announced to several clients in the Store that we would be hosting refugees from Ukraine. Immediately, there was an outpouring of assistance and expressed desire to help in whatever way they could. Our ladies that work for us made sarmale (cabbage rolls) and another made beautiful tort. The eyes of the children were huge when they saw! This is God’s love and compassion shining out and impacting in ways we will never truly know or understand.

Pray for blessings over these various ministry and for peace in this conflict.

GEM has a link for Ukrainian Crisis Intervention if you feel led to help in this way. If you send funds, please specify you want to help the efforts in Romania. 

We've included the link here:

Further stories this week will include:
  • Our Finances - The Ethiopia Kale Heywet Church - A story of how our collective participation at the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is providing the means for EKHCDC to bless and serve those displaced by the Tigray conflict. 
  • Our Table - Chestermere CF - A small church commits to a sponsorship opportunity when a newcomer from their community asks for help sponsoring extended family still in asylum. 
  • Our Time - Bethel New Dundee - Follow the sponsorship journey with Bethel EMC, as they welcomed a second refugee family last October. It’s been a great investment of time, which the team say has been worth all the effort.
  • Our Lives - Resources and Next Steps - A chance to review what God has prompted in us this week and how He might be calling us to action. 

World Partners invites you to join with us in an EMCC Connected Across the Globe event on Friday, engaging in prayer together around the themes of this week. 

Feel free to visit our World Refugee Week webpage for additional resources for you and your community.
Learn how World Partners assists the EMCC in global participation.