One of our greatest resources is our time. It’s a highly valued commodity. In our walk with Jesus, it is the one resource that brings strength to relationship-building. As we share our lives with others, whether in helping with a physical need or listening to others stories, we demonstrate that each person has value in the sight of God. We want people to know that they are loved by the Creator and He is actively pursuing relationship with them, whether people know Him or not.
Refugee sponsorship is a big commitment but it comes with great blessing. While the term of the sponsorship is simply one year, the relationship carries on beyond that. Lives become more intertwined together. Sponsor and newcomer become part of each other’s family and there is a deeper sharing of life together, learning from each other and growing.
We interviewed retired Pastor Graham Burkhart about Bethel EMC’s experience, a second time around. “I think we would be hard pressed to tally the number of hours that have been expended with the involvements altogether with this family. But I hear no one complaining…. But they come from a culture, even though they were out of that culture for quite some time as refugees, they come from a culture that is far more hospitable, far more social than we Canadians tend to be. We get busy with our schedules. So they welcome those connects, those contacts. So we’re rejoicing to see how it’s affecting the church family as well.”