Springing Forward!
The biggest source of water pollution is runoff — polluted rainwater that runs off of our roofs, driveways, streets, and lawns into nearby creeks.

This month, we are hosting an Eco-Friendly Backyard Workshop for residents in the Jenkintown Creek watershed to tackle creek pollution.
At this workshop, we’ll talk about StreamSmart , our exciting new program for homeowners that will offer financial support for improvements such as rain gardens, native trees, bioswales and downspout planter boxes.

Let’s work together to improve Jenkintown Creek!
Contact Ryan if you're interested in this program or attending this event.
As we establish more restoration projects to improve our creeks, we need more help to care for them!

Our creekside buffers and rain gardens require constant care, including invasive plant removal, deer fence repair, trash removal, and occasional new plantings.

That’s why we’re starting Streamside Spruce-Ups! Once a month from April to September, we’ll spend a Saturday sprucing up a different creekside garden. If you like to get your hands dirty in the name of healthier creeks and cleaner water, this is just the thing for you!
We have so many fun things planned for the spring -- too many to list!
Get information about Nature Talks, our annual 5K in Tacony Creek Park, the Tacony Creek Park Photo Contest, BioBlitz and more -- below!
Project Updates
Twenty volunteers planted over 1,000 plants in a bioswale at Alverthorpe Park in Abington. This project manages stormwater runoff from the nearby parking lot, and is the newest installation in our award winning Jenkintown Creek Restoration Project.
In November, Cheltenham residents and officials announced the next site in our Jenkintown Creek Restoration Project: Charles D. Conklin Jr. Pool and Recreation Area. This project will manage 42 acres of stormwater, removing a section of the creek from a concrete culvert and enabling it to meander through a constructed wetland.
Looking Back . . .
We participated in Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities at both Abington Friends School , where we made bird feeders out of recycled materials and Manor College, where we made pollinator boxes. We visited Elkins Park Elementary , Abington Friends, Cheltenham High and Abington Junior High schools . We engaged stakeholders at our Jenkintown Creek Forum at the Basilian Spirituality Center .
Through this fall and winter, we have added 4 new Streamkeeper sites! Over 25 Streamkeepers monitor at 19 sites across our watershed.

The newest sites are at Manor College on the Jenkintown Creek, George A. Perley Bird Sanctuary on the Tookany Creek, Rock Lane Park on Rock Creek and the confluence of the Jenkintown and Tookany Creek along the Tookany Creek Parkway.
Curious what Streamkeepers do?
Creature Corner
We found this two-lined salamander in Rock Creek at our restoration site at Rock Lane Park. Two-lined salamanders are a fairly common species in our watershed, found in and around our creeks.

Salamanders are amphibians. They spend part of their life on land and part in the water. Two-lined salamanders spend the first 2-3 years of their life in water, moving to land as adults. Salamanders are good indicators of in-stream health.
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