March 2021
I don't know about you, but we're looking forward to
springing ahead to some warmer days!
a clock with a spring bouncing it forward
March Awareness Days

March 1 - Self Injury Awareness Day
March 1 - dC Ramp Program opens for applications
March 2 - Dr. Seuss Day
March 3 - World Hearing Day
March 7 - National Cereal Day
March 14 - Daylight Savings
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 19 - World Sleep Day
March 20 - 1st day of Spring
March 21 - World Downs Syndrome Day
March 26 - Wear purple in recognition of Epilepsy
March 28 - World Autism Awareness Week
March 30 - World Bi-Polar Day
Follow us on social media to see our posts on these topics and more.
Loan Closet and Fix-dis

Have you heard about or used our Loan Closet? It is a great resource for anybody looking for some affordable durable medical equipment (DME)! Especially for those having short-term issues following a surgery or injury and need equipment to safely maneuver about the home while recovering. Through our rental or purchase options, we can provide shower chairs, wheelchairs, walkers, crutches/canes, and more to use while you recover and return when you are better. Essentially taking the hassle out of trying to figure out what to do with the equipment when it is no longer needed while also allowing for someone else in a similar situation to be able to do the same. Or if you realize this has been a great asset and has really helped you to be more safe and independent, you can purchase the item from us using your rental payments towards the overall price. 

As you can see in the video below we truly have a variety and abundance of options for people to choose from. 

Give us a call (517)782-6054 to check on availability or to ask about equipment.
Fix-dis is our program that helps out by fixing or replacing parts and prolonging the life of your DME. We know how vital your DME is to your overall health, independence, and livelihood. We also know that equipment breaks, warranties expire, and getting appointments through typical providers may be weeks out (weeks you don't have), we may be able to help. Call us at (517)782-6054 to set up an evaluation and let us keep you going.

Fix-dis services are open on Wednesdays. Due to COVID, your equipment must be brought in on Tuesday before to allow us time to disinfect equipment prior to our engineer working on it.
Jackson Area Transportation Authority rides to wellness logo
Rides to Wellness
Are you or someone you know using Jackson County transportation services to get around? Have you heard about Rides to Wellness? Rides to Wellness is a JATA program providing door-to-door services for people with qualifying medical appointments. Rides to Wellness is an affordable, convenient, comprehensive, and dependable county-wide non-emergency medical transportation service for preventative and non-emergency healthcare appointments, including access to other important community resources such as pharmacies, and grocery stores for the residents of Jackson County.

That's right, this service will take you to your local pharmacy and wait while you go in and get your prescriptions or other pre-approved shopping needs following your appointment. Saving you an unneeded extra trip. To learn more about this program and its uses, go to the website below to gather more information or set up your next ride(s) to a medical appointment.

  • Service is available Monday - Friday 8 AM-5 PM
  • $30 round-trip from home to a medical appointment and back home.
  • $10 for extra stops
  • No Cash payments
  • Single Person and same household passengers at one time. No sharing with other people (sanitized between passengers) for those concerned with COVID and wanting a more controlled transportation option.
dC Services Continue Virtually
We are still working with people virtually and looking forward to serving people in person soon as more vaccinations are being completed and COVID infection rates continue to decline. Independent Living, Employment Navigator, Advocacy, and Information and Referral are still operating taking calls and providing resources for those that reach out via the phone or Facebook. Nursing Facility Transitions continue to occur as well, helping people to leave facilities and return to their own housing.
We are proud of the people we have served and will continue working with our communities to assist people with disabilities to be as independent as possible. If there is anything we know for sure, it is that people with disabilities have continually proven the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles when provided with their needed supports and accommodations.
a group of people stand on and in front of a recently constructed ramp to provide access to a home.
Jackson Ramp Program

The ramp program is now open for Jackson County residents to apply. Please share the information with anyone that would benefit from a safer way to enter and exit their home. Restrictions do apply. Please call (517)782-6054 for more information.
covid information graphic

Our COVID-19 Update page connects you to Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale County COVID statistics and COVID vaccine information along with a video tutorial we made providing instructions of Jackson's system to check which vaccine subgroup you are part of and additional links to Michigan's state resources as well.
Lastly, THANK YOU to all of the supporters that read our newsletter, blog posts, and follow us on social media to stay updated on our services and disability-related issues. We appreciate your support through volunteering (when possible), donations, social media interactions, and via word of mouth whenever someone you encounter may benefit from our services. We value your input, please consider taking this short 10 question anonymous survey.
disAbility Connections