
Our staff continues to work diligently to maintain a safe and clean environment for our clients. With sanitizing procedures in place, we are ready to help when you are in need. Trouble reaching your doctor? Thanks to the Illinois Direct Access Law, no prescription is needed for physical therapy. We'd be happy to give you details.
Also keep in mind that doctors are now able to perform elective surgeries. Call your doctor if you need a procedure done. Then call us to perform your pre-op and post-op physical therapy.

Continued Thanks to our
During these unprecedented times we have a few tips....
4 Ways to Improve Your Health
While Staying Home

1.    Make sleep a priority.
 Are you getting the recommended 7-8 hrs of sleep? Quantity and quality of sleep can play a big role in a well-functioning immune system as well how fast you can recover from illness or injury. Check out this link for tips on how to optimize your sleep.

2.        Keep your hands off your face, but also watch what you put in your face.   Nutrition matters .

Use this opportunity of additional time at home to create healthy meals. Are you struggling with nutritional choices? Here's a link to help you make healthier choices.
3.        Reduce stress.

When you reduce your stress level, you will reap physical health benefits (your immune system will thank you!), psychological health benefits (reducing stress improves sleep, reduces irritability, anxiety and depression), relationship benefits (your co-workers, friends and family member will notice a difference), and financial benefits (by being more productive and focused at work and home).
How do you reduce your stress level?
     -Stick with a daily routine. Routine helps manage anxiety and helps you adjust to this new reality.
-Put yourself on a media diet. That’s right, a media diet. Set a limit for yourself on how much news programming and social media you expose yourself to daily. Challenge yourself to a maximum of 30 min in the A.M. and 30 min the P.M. With your newly acquired time, call an old friend of yours. They would love to hear from you!
     -Set priorities and achieve daily goals.
     -Stay busy (10 hours of Netflix doesn’t count as activity).
     -Give meditation a whirl. In these times, you may find yourself spending needless time staring out the window. Put some intention behind your daydreaming and you may reap the benefits of stress reduction, mental clarity, reduced depression, pain reduction and lower you r blood pressure. Looking for a way to get started, here is meditation 101:
               -Know your Red Flags-things that stress you out—so you can manage moments of distress and prevent from being overwhelmed. Breathe, think, and de-escalate so you can maintain control.
4.        Exercise!
You may not be able to access your local gym but don’t let that stop you from being active. Schedule physical activity into your day. For bonus points get outside and soak up some immune boosting vitamin D. Did you know that if you are a past or current patient of Brightmore you can access your home exercise program online? If you have any questions or would like upgrades to your program don’t hesitate to call to speak to your physical therapist. We would be happy to help :)
We WILL get through this. Don’t hesitate to call us at BPT as needed. We’re here for you.

Always remember...
You, the patient, have the right to choose your physical therapy provider .
You are not limited to any medical group for your care . We accept most insurances and have excellent communication with your doctor.
Voice Your Choice. Choose Quality. Choose Experience.
Tell your doctor you choose Brightmore Physical Therapy.
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy summer.

Dave and Kathy Brightmore &
The Staff at Brightmore Physical Therapy