Gluten Free Home Brewing

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The Role Of Malt In Beer

Malt in gluten free beer brewing consists of cereal grains (millet, rice, etc.) and pseudo-cereal (quinoa, buckwheat, etc.) that get converted into a wort before going through the fermentation process resulting in beer. Gluten free malt is typically classified by type, name, potential gravity, percentage of use and color (in SRM or Lovibond). The description of the individual malt is helpful in determining the flavor and aroma profile.

Malt is classified into different categories. The highest percentage of malt in a grain bill or "grist" is the base malt. Typical base malts include Pale, Munich, Vienna, etc. Other categories of malt include caramel, kilned, roasted and adjunct.

Caramel malt is generally used to add sweetness and color.

Kilned malt is conventionally used in small quantities and attribute more unique or distinguishable flavors.

Roasted malt is typically used in the smallest percentage as they are roasted to a high degree resulting in deep flavor and dark color.

Adjuncts include squash, pumpkins and other starchy vegetables. (Whom I like to call our "barley cousins" would classify most of the grain we use to make gluten free beer in this category.)

Here is the most up-to-date Malt Chart GFHB can offer at this time.


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Grouse Malt House Caramel Malt

Grouse Malt House and Gluten Free Home Brewing have partnered to bring you a new collaborative series. Grouse has a history of creating both Caramel and Crystal Millet Malts. This month we are excited to share some of that history and a description of the malts we currently offer.

Head over to to see this month’s post, as well as some other articles Grouse has done over the years!

We can't wait for our next collaboration topic.

Crystal malt was first produced in Britain in the 1880's, where as Caramel malt (if I understand the history correctly) has been widely used in the United States since about the 1950's. In short, all crystal malts are caramel (type) malts, but not all caramel malts are crystal malts.


Choosing The Right Caramel Malt

There is more to Caramel malt than color. To achieve a 35L Abbey-style beer, you could use Caramel 10L malt which would be 100% of your grain bill. To get the same 35L, you could also use Caramel 60L at 17% or Caramel 120L at 8%. However, flavor is an important consideration. To make a 35L Abbey-style beer you also need to achieve the complexity of flavor and aroma.

A useful tool in deciding which Caramel malt (or any malt) is the malt profile such as the one provided on our blog. The kilning and roasting process impacts not only the malt flavor, but also other attributes such as body, foam, and lacing just to name a few. The flavor profile doesn't necessarily change on a linear scale from mild to robust, but instead the flavors may be completely transformed. For example, the lower lovibond Caramel malts may be described as 'sweet biscuit and caramel'; whereas the higher lovibond caramel malts may be described as 'sweet chocolate, dark toffee, and molasses'.

Buy Caramel Malt



Brettanamyces Bruxellensis!

SafBrew™ BR-8 is the first dry Brettanomyces bruxellensis culture available to brewers, offering all of the sensory benefits of wild or propagated Brett with superior process control.

Selected specifically for secondary fermentation in bottles or casks, SafBrew™ BR-8 produces phenolic compounds that create a distinctive finishing touch which evolves over time.

Buy SafBrew BR-8

In-stock now...Propagate GF Liquid Yeast!

A limited quantity of custom made gluten free liquid yeast is in-stock now. This is your chance to brew with yeast that is not available as a gluten free dry yeast.

  • Andechs Lager
  • Belgian Dwarf
  • Hazy IPA
  • Wheat (GF of course!)
Buy Liquid Yeast

World Kombucha Day

The origins on kombucha are attributed to Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang in 221 BCE who wanted an elixir that would keep him young and healthy. The Emperor's alchemists created kombucha, and World Kombucha Day is now celebrated on 2.21 every year!

You can make your own kombucha HERE.


Functional Brewing - Juicy IPA

Functional Brewing has a second video and recipe to share this month. This Juicy IPA clone recipe is based on their all-time favorites before going gluten free...WeldWerks Brewing Co.’s Juicy Bits. This is their first attempt at this clone recipe, and there is still some room for improvement. However, this is a great place to get started!

Watch the video, brew the recipe, and follow Functional Brewing on social media:

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