General County News

Monday, June 24, 2024

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Real Estate Property Assessments Underway in Albemarle County

We are committed to enhancing the quality of residential real estate data to improve the accuracy of property assessments. Each year, as part of the routine assessment process, we inspect approximately 20% of properties. This year, the County plans to visit over 8,000 properties. Onsite inspections are needed to ensure that property information on file with Albemarle County is accurate and up to date. Please note: inspections are of the exterior buildings on the property.

To keep our community informed, here are some details about what to expect during the assessment period, which takes place from March to August each year.

Staff completing the assessments will have County identification and drive vehicles marked with the Albemarle County seal. The appraisers will knock on residents' doors to notify individuals they are there and, in some cases, to ask specific questions about the basement finish or other general details when needed.

If no one answers the door, the appraiser will place a door hanger on the home's doorknob with details on the date and time of the visit, then proceed with the exterior inspection and will not return to the front door when the inspection is finished. If the appraiser sees a “no trespassing sign,” and no one answers the door to provide permission or if permission is not granted, they will not continue with an inspection.

If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 434-296-5856.


If you see any suspicious activity, you should call the Albemarle County Police Department. If it is an emergency, please call or text 911 in any situation that requires immediate attention or poses an immediate danger. If it is a non-emergency, please call the Emergency Communications Center at 434-977-9041 to speak with an officer.

Sample image of yellow appraiser door hanger
List of Frequently Asked Real Estate Property Assessments

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