Coaching for Students with ADHD          


Feb 2012

Get your Edge! 


Parents of young adults with ADHD have to walk a fine line between trying to motivate their children to seek assistance, while at the same time respecting their independence and letting them stand on their own.  This challenge is further compounded by the inherent dynamic that any adolescent has with their parents at a time when they leave home to go off to college.


ADHD coaching is an intervention that has been receiving growing attention because recent studies  have shown that students who received ADHD coaching services show significant improvement in their ability to organize, direct and manage cognitive activities, emotional responses and overt behaviors. ADHD coaches empower students to develop structure, support and accountability on their own terms so they can take charge of their own lives.


Unfortunately in many cases, students often reject coaching merely because it is introduced by their parent.  Furthermore, based upon the nature of the coaching relationship, it simply will not work unless the student steps up and owns his or her disability and is willing to partner with a coach.


We often hear frustration from parents who are at their wit's end trying to help their child. A parent recently told us 'If my boy gets his butt moving at all, if he shows any interest, I'm there to help him with the process, but he's got to show that he cares first."


What is a parent to do when they see their son or daughter struggling, while knowing that they have to stepback and let them stand on their own?  There is no magic answer, but the following are some guidelines that may help.

  • Motivate, but don't dictate - A coach should never be a punishment for a student who is not performing. If a student is indifferent about something, parental pressure will often prejudice and polarize them.  Educate yourself about coaching and how it works.  Speak with a coach and understand the process and benefits sufficiently so that you can motivate and encourage your child.
  • Seek assistance from a coach - Many coaches specialize in working with parents to effectively encourage their child to participate in coaching.  A coach can empower a parent to address the situation in a productive way that won't polarize her son or daughter. Edge Foundation has coaches available to work with parents and provide the support and guidance that parents need.
  • A coach can be the key to promote your independence and theirs - A coach is a resource for your child and can ease the tension between the parent and the child. It may help your child to realize that getting a coach will get you off his or her back. Parent/child relationships often improve when an ADHD coach is added to the mix.
  • Encourage them to find out for themselves - The best way for parents to do this is to encourage their son or daughter to speak with a coach about the process and how it works, and better yet, to speak with other students just like them who have been coached.  The Edge Foundation has coaches ready to help.  At the Edge Foundation web site students can also access videos and interviews with students just like them who have been coached and who offer their perspective.

The bottom line is that some students may not be ready to own their disability nor are ready to be coached.  If that is the case, pushing the issue can often make things worse.  In these circumstances, parents may need to step back and revisit the idea later on.


Robert Tudisco, Edge's Executive Director has personal experience with ADHD; he was diagnosed as an adult.  He offers this advice, "Don't give up, and remember that you are not alone.  We at Edge are here to help and support you and your children.  We don't want them just to survive in school.  With the help of a coach, an ADHD student can thrive in school and you and your child will have a healthier relationship dynamic to boot."

 Edge Foundation Founder Neil Peterson

For more information about how to get started with an ADHD coach, visit or call 914-924-7597.  



Neil Peterson

Edge Foundation 

Founder & CEO


In This Issue
Challenge Grant Doubles Your Donation!
College Scholarship Deadline Fast Approaching!
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Challenge grant doubles your donation! 

Last year a record number of students signed up for Edge ADHD coaching.  But we're not satisfied with this success.  We also want to make this support available to all students, not just those whose parents can afford to pay for it. 


Last year we also began two new exciting programs to provide coaching services to students regardless of their socio-economic status.

  • Edge partnered with Shire for an ongoing scholarship program that provides coaching for college students without cost to them.  The deadline for this year's grant is rapidly approaching. (See details in the article below.)
  • We also developed a successful pilot program to provide coaching inside a middle and high school in the Puget Sound Region -- without any cost to the students.  (A brief program description is outline below.)  This program has exceeded our expectations in the support of the students and the administration, however to provide this type of support, we need additional funding to keep it free of cost to these students.  
The Johnson Scholarship Foundation is challenging us (and you) with a matching grant to build on the success of our pilot project. Each dollar you give this year will be matched dollar for dollar -- doubling the amount of services that your contribution will bring these students.


Please join us in our commitment to these students to ensure they will receive coaching support, even when their families cannot afford it on their own. Double the impact of your donation by clicking here today! 

College Scholarships

Shire has extended its ADHD Scholarship Program into 2012 and doubled the amount of recipients to 50! The program is for individuals in the United States diagnosed with ADHD who are pursuing higher education at a college, vocational school or technical school. 


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