Good Afternoon!
Since your Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) payments have been sent to your landlord and/or service provider(s), you are now eligible to recertify for an additional three months of rental and/or utilities assistance.
If you would like to apply for three months of additional KERA assistance, please follow these steps. We strongly encourage applicants to use a desktop or laptop computer to reduce any application errors. If you do not have a computer, please visit your local library, or make an appointment with one of our community partners.
1. Log back into your application dashboard, and click "Reapply." Then click "Begin Application." You will not have to re-enter most of your information unless you need to make updates. As you move through the recertification application, continue to click "Save & Continue," and re-sign each of the application tabs.
If your landlord or their address has changed, be sure to update your landlord's information under the "Assistance" tab.
2. If you haven't already applied to receive internet assistance, you may apply for this assistance as well to receive a one-time $750 lump sum to be applied to past-due or future internet costs. You may also enter any fees that were not previously included in your assistance request. These requests can be made under the "Assistance" tab on your application.
3. To request assistance with utilities, upload your household's most recent bill also under the "Package Submission" tab.
4. Once you've submitted your recertification application, you'll be redirected to the application dashboard. Here, you can access your KERA pre-qualification letter and submit it to your landlord.
You'll be eligible to recertify for an additional three months of assistance once your recertification application has reached the "Payment Sent" status. Eligible tenants are eligible to apply for a total of 15 months of past-due and future rental and/or past-due utilities assistance.
If you still have questions or concerns about the recertification application, please contact one of our community partners serving your area free of charge, or reach out to our customer service team Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm at 785-217-2001, Option 1, or email us at Please beware of calls or solicitations from companies offering to assist you with your application in return for payment.