Happy Fall! Isn't it beautiful out?! Hope you're all getting outdoors and enjoying this gorgeous beginning to the Fall Season.


Last month was the big JDRF One Walk. My son's team, Team E, raised $10,859 (and counting!) and we couldn't be more proud! Thank you to all of yo
u that donated, walked with us, supported us, and for just putting up with my constant begging. Thank you for listening, and thank you for caring. Our village is simply the best and we are so grateful for you all. 
Reason #10 Why You Need a Massage.....Because a Hot Stone Massage Goes Perfect With Your Pumpkin Spice Latte!
As the season is changing, our thoughts are gravitating to warm sweaters, fireplaces and being cozy. October is here and I'm ready to embrace it! I am welcoming falling leaves, cooler days, football Sundays, warm soups for dinner and pumpkin everything! What else feels great on a cool, crisp fall day? A Hot Stone Massage!
What is a hot stone massage? It's a type of body work that involves the application of heated stones to the body in conjunction with a therapeutic massage.  Warm, flat, smooth stones are placed on certain areas to warm them, like a hot pack, and stones are held in my hands, like hot mittens, while I massage. 
What are the benefits of a hot stone massage? It's not only a wonderful compliment to your PSL habit....hot stone massages have many other additional benefits for your body and mind. 
*The heat of the stones relax the muscles before I even start your massage. This gives me the ability to apply deeper pressure if you'd like, and also to get more deep tissue results without discomfort.
*The warmth of the hot stones increases circulation, while calming the nervous system.
*The stones and heat provide enhanced relaxation to decrease stress and tension, as well as helping to re-energize and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit.
What types of conditions can a hot stone massage help? Back pain, muscles aches, poor circulation and cold feet, arthritis, stress and anxiety, insomnia, and depression. 
Who should not get a hot stone massage? Children, pregnant women, people with untreated high blood pressure, people with rashes or wounds, people prone to blood clots, immediately following surgery, people with rheumatoid arthritis. Ask me if you're concerned or have questions. 
During the month of October, try your first Hot Stone Massage for only$5 added to the price of your massage.
*regular price is an additional $10.

With gratitude,
Bryn Rath
Tranquil Massage
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