I seriously cannot believe it's already November! Wasn't it just August?! But the calendar doesn't lie. I need to come to terms that in just a few short weeks the holidays will be here, and with them, all the holiday hustle, the family gatherings, the gift buying, the late nights and the stress!
Reason #11 Why You Need A Massage....Because the Holidays are Coming and You Need to De-stress and Sleep!
It's the most wonderful time of year, and a time for high levels of stress and low amounts of sleep. A lack of adequate sleep and elevated stress levels can both be directly related to a wide variety of health issues- from common problems like low job performance, migraine headaches and stomach aches, to much more serious problems like substance abuse, heart disease and cancer. So it makes sense that by managing your stress and being sure to get plenty of shut eye, you could be preventing problems in your body. 

So, my advice is to get rid of stress and sleep more....Well that sounds like a piece of cake! Ha. If only it were that simple! This is where I deliver the good news.... Massage has been proven to both lower stress levels and to improve quality and quantity of sleep. (read more in this article.)

When we undergo stress, our bodies release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol to help us react to the situation. The problem is that this "flight or fight" reaction, can come at unnecessary times or be prolonged - making it hard to ever truly relax. Massage can release important endorphins - like serotonin and dopamine - which are neurotransmitters that help you calm down and relax the fight or flight response. These endorphins are often called your body's natural "feel good" chemicals and massage releases them into the blood stream, helping us to relax and de-stress. 

Not only do these feel good chemicals help lower stress, the increased serotonin will help you relax so you can sleep! Lack of sleep is a major problem in our country with the average American getting only 6.8 hours per night, and one-third of adults currently experiencing a bout of insomnia, possibly even brought on by too much stress! Many sleep studies have been done to find the answer to our sleeping problems and they have shown a very strong link between receiving weekly massages and reduced insomnia. 
Need more proof? Come see for yourself! Call today to schedule your next massage in order to survive the holiday stress and help you sleep better at night.  
Gift Certificate Special
With the holiday season fast approaching, there isn't much time to run from store to store to find the perfect gift for all the loved ones on your list. No need to run around, I have the answer!
From now through December 15th, purchase one full price one hour
gift certificate and get the 2nd one hour gift certificate for only $40.

 *That's $110 for 2 one hour massages, a $30 savings!

Sending peaceful, calm thoughts to you all....

Bryn Rath
Tranquil Massage
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