Sam R. Slaton, MEd, LPC-S, MBA, MHSM
Chief Operating Officer
16 years at Santé Center for Healing

Step Twelve
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”

As an individual works the 12th Step, the realization comes that they have strength they previously weren’t aware of. Step work leads to a “spiritual awakening” or the understanding that they are “in possession of a degree of honesty, tolerance, unselfishness, peace of mind, and love of which he had thought himself quite incapable.”1  Once the step is reached, the individual will then go on to share the message, help others, and continue to live each step in all they do.

We can all apply the spirit of the 12th Step as we look at the close of the year. At this time of year, one is apt to review the past 12 months, what has transpired and where life has led them. Looking at the lessons learned, goals reached, and goals remaining, we determine ways to be of service to others in the upcoming year. Let us celebrate our successes and evaluate our disappointments as we can learn from both.

This year was extraordinarily unique as everyone has had to deal with the challenge of COVID-19 and many changes. Santé has remained steadfast in our vision to help those struggling with addiction, mental health, and trauma. We have been and will continue to be there for you, your clients and your patients. Let us know how we can help in the New Year and beyond. The Santé family wishes you a wonderful holiday season and an amazing 2021!

1. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions