Selacia Article with Updates:

Rebirth During Equinox
-Go For It-

by Selacia

The energies of Equinox are bringing a whole new level of rebirth to you and humanity. Side-by-side with the unthinkable tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, Russia's war is uniting people in ways not seen since the pandemic began. Continue reading to understand your opportunities for rebirth and practical steps to take now.


The nature of life is rebirth - changing from one form of expression into another. Rebirth opportunities expand in quantum ways during times of mega change. Humanity is now at a precipice - collectively deciding how to go forward. It's obvious that our current trajectory is unsustainable. Each of us contributes to society's rebirth. We're all connected energetically - with no borders except those constructed by our ego-mind. Pluto's energy is pushing all of us to rethink and repurpose how we live.

Equinox & Virgo Full Moon

In these volatile energies - even without the emotional roller coaster of Friday's Virgo Full Moon - we are being nudged to look more deeply within ourselves. We are being asked to be more present and to confront our deepest fears of inadequacy.

When we consciously respond to these nudges, we will be rewarded with life insights that come from letting go and seeing the truth. The Equinox Gateway can help us to be brave, acknowledge the love that we are, and approach life in a "go for it" way.

3 Ways To Embody "Go For It" Energy

  1. Invoke "go for it" energy each morning - regardless of how you feel. This energy is boundless and quantum. That means no limits on your creativity and the scope of actions you may be guided to take. It means experimentation - if one option or solution isn't working, accept that and meditate on alternatives. These don't have to make sense in a linear way. If your intuition tells you something is worth implementing, trust that and take action. A step at a time. When you are in crisis, or your world is, separate yourself from the crisis - remembering that you are not the crisis.
  2. Be willing to let go of all expectations and guarantees. This is an ongoing process - moment by moment, day by day. This part of our conditioning keeps us stuck and creates friction in our relationships. It keeps us out of present time, which is the ONLY time our actions make a difference. To accomplish this letting go involves monitoring and censoring your ruminating about the past and the future - it means you stop focusing on "what ifs."
  3. Before sleep, turn off all thought and media. Sleep is a sacred time of renewal, required for having the inner strength and physical stamina needed to let go and "go for it." Before going to sleep, remind yourself that anything can change at any time - that the physical world is impermanent. As you meditate on that truth over time, it will become easier for you to let go of your need to control - and let things be. This last point is like your jewel - a daily reminder that all of life is in flux and virtually anything could manifest. As you approach things this way, you become more patient about how long things take, and more able to adapt to the unexpected. When wonderful opportunities show up, you will have the energy container to appropriately respond to them.

I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls at Communication for Transformation * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

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Below The Picture Offerings
1-March 19 Global Meditation
2-Divine Changemakers Embody Your Passion Register Now for Evergreen Course
3-Private Sessions with Selacia - DNA Healing & Astrology
4-Subscribe to Selacia on YouTube
5-Staying Connected - Social Media Pages to Follow
Equinox Gateway Global Meditation - March 19
Live & Recorded
Virtual: 6:30-8:30pm Pacific Standard Time
Global group sharing starts: 6:15pm
Equinox Gateway Global Meditation
Saturday * March 19
Virtual * Live * Recorded

  • Global healing for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
  • Spiritual healing transmissions to raise your frequency & receive guidance about your life & the way forward
  • Transformative inner fire activation to be resourced for stability during these tumultuous times
  • Join with others across the world, sharing with them before the meditation begins - building bonds & connection with others like you on a spiritual path
  • Benefit from sacred sound preparing you for guided process & receiving the energies
  • Experience with energetic forms of dolphins & whales joining these meditations monthly
  • Receive energetic support with your rebirth during mega change

Don't miss it by registering NOW.
Crystals (optional for registrants): if you have a favorite crystal you want to energetically include in our meditation (live or MP3), designate it in advance of guided process. Not necessary to hold the crystal, but you can if desired.  A quantum grid of healing will be created with the crystals, as part of the planetary healing.

Essential oils (optional for registrants): if you resonate with essential oils, it's recommended that you apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils. These will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deep level. Among the oils often suggested: Young Living's Awaken, Into the Future, Frankincense, Sacred Mountain, Clarity, Joy, Sandalwood, 3 Wise Men, Abundance. The ones Selacia works with are from Young Living. If you are new to aromatherapy or want more information about these oils and how to get yours from Young Living, contact Selacia.

The meditation event MP3, and dial-in codes you receive on registration, are NOT for sharing with ANYONE, including friends and family.

All registrants receive MP3.

Packet & dial-in/codes emailed upon registration. In the packet (a PDF link within the dial-in email) is more background on the meditations and optimal ways to participate.

Note: Global meditations are virtual audio events. Participate from anywhere in the world. On registration, receive email bridge line number for your country. Call in 15 minutes early to connect with live participants from around the world. Live group sharing happens at the very end of the meditation, too, after the recorded portion ends.

Not yet registered for the March 19 Equinox Gateway Meditation?
Don't miss it! Register HERE.

Seeing this email after the March 19 meditation and want the MP3?
Note: the day after meditations, the MP3 is available to order on Selacia's website home page - contact her if you don't see it there.
Selacia's 2021 Course - Now Evergreen
Divine Changemakers
Embody Your Passion -
Prepare for Your Change in The World

Available Now As Evergreen:
Embody Your Passion
Prepare for Your Change in The World *
*Open to all - no prerequisites

This is a not-to-miss experiential course you will benefit from throughout the 2020s!

In general, participating in this course will help you to:
  • Receive spiritually-grounded tools to fully embody your passion and navigate change
  • Become more "at home" with yourself - so you can feel more at home in this world and create an amazing life!
  • Improve your relationships with others and become more comfortable engaging with people in the outside world - personal, business, strangers
  • Discover how to prepare for your change in the world - in an ongoing way - learning how to see yourself through the eyes of love, regularly update your priorities, and navigate unknowns
  • Receive tools and energetic support that helps you prepare for leaps into new situations
  • Increase your level of self-awareness and tap a deeper level of self-trust in your guidance
Private Sessions with Selacia
Benefit from The Synergy of DNA Healing & Astrology Sessions
The energies of 2022 are catalyzing both opportunities and foundational life challenges. With the energy of Pluto impacting all of us and our world - this is a rare decade of mega change.

Positive shifts you only dreamed of before now can begin manifesting into reality! These changes involve your world view and your role as a divine changemaker to be a force of love that transforms others.

To step into your new roles requires regular inner work and applying spiritual tools that keep you balanced and resourced.

In private sessions, Selacia can support your inner work - helping you to navigate rebirth and fresh approaches to how you live and serve in the world.

There is a synergy involved in combining her DNA healing and astrology sessions. Your astrology will indicate your soul's path and dominant energies revealing potentials for your creative expression. This big picture adds depth and context to healing work that addresses life issues and guidance about progressing on your spiritual path.

Accessing Energy Field Around the DNA
During DNA healing, Selacia is able to intuitively see and connect with the field around the DNA. This field contains a person’s entire akashic map–not only related to this life but beyond. Within that field she is able to discern patterns and beliefs that keep people stuck-–stemming from this life, ancestors, and other lifetimes. The healing work sometimes involves clearing things like ancestral imprints in the DNA. Other times what is seen in the DNA field helps Selacia guide clients in their relationships, and to change their life or work in ways that serve their highest good.

Order your session now at Selacia's website - she will contact you for details/scheduling.

Selacia's Books
Now in development: The Spiritual Compass to 2022

"A deeply profound guide for readers on all levels of self-discovery and action. Selacia's sage writing reflects her deep understanding of the paradigm shift we are experiencing..." - Verified Purchase Amazon Review
All you need to read this book is the free Amazon Kindle App installed on any of your devices - once you order the book, it automatically appears in the app on ALL of your devices that you install it - for reading anywhere anytime. 

Contact Selacia for info on aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Ask about therapeutic grade oils to support your immune system, elevate your mood, enhance your meditations, clean your home or office naturally, and raise your frequency. 

Mar. 19 Equinox
April 16 Love the Earth
May 14 Wesak with the Masters