7,000 strong ...going for 50,000 by April 1
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Welcome to the very first Recall the School Board newsletter!
Here’s what we’re covering:
• What’s happening in the campaign?
• Where is the petition?
• How does the recall process work?
• How do we win?
• How can you help?
• Who’s running the campaign?
• When can you donate?
What’s happening in the campaign?
You guys are AMAZING!!!!!!
We've seen overwhelming support from across the city, from parents, non-parents, and educators.
Our Facebook group has become a volunteer army of over 500 parents and community members. They are building the case against the school board and planning a massive effort to collect signatures across the city as soon as petitions are ready. Join them!
We’ve had nearly 7000 people sign up for our mailing list -- over half non-parents, many teachers, and 90% San Francisco voters.
Where is the recall petition?
There’s a 5-week paperwork process to get the recall petitions ready, and the petitions will require pen-on-paper signatures. We have the best election lawyer in town helping us pro bono so you can print and sign your petitions from home. When the petitions are ready, you’ll be the first to know.
How does the recall process work?
Everyone says the odds are against us: there’s never been a successful recall election in SF history. But what’s at stake is not just our current suffering. What’s at stake is our children's future, and that is worth fighting for. We’re not stopping until the school board is recalled. We will win this.
We win by getting petitions signed as fast as possible, so we control the timeline. We need to make it easy for people to sign petitions at home or around the city, and spread the word to their friends
• THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO TO HELP THE RECALL: Share this newsletter with three SF residents this week and personally ask them to sign up on our website.
• If you know someone who speaks Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, or any other language, who would be willing to translate our website or newsletters, please have them email us at recallsfschoolboard@gmail.com .
• We’re finalizing the list of proponents who will officially put their name down as a sponsor of the recall. If you’d like to be a proponent, email us at recallsfschoolboard@gmail.com .
Who's running the campaign?
The campaign co-leads are Autumn Looijen and Siva Raj -- check out this very kind introduction by Joel Engardio
Autumn grew up in the Seattle area, where her mother was a school administrator. She canvassed for the environment as a teenager, worked with thousands of volunteers at Netscape’s Open Directory Project, and has been both a stay at home parent of three and a working mom in the tech industry. She was an environmental commissioner in Los Altos before moving to San Francisco.
Siva is a father of two sons in SF public elementary and high schools. He’s an immigrant from India and moved back to San Francisco last year. Siva has volunteered at his sons’ many schools — most recently serving on the school site council where he led an effort to make it easy to walk or bike to school. He previously worked in healthcare, where he helped develop a smart glucometer, and recently ran a fitness startup. Read Siva’s blog post about his experience as a schoolchild in India and a parent in the US.
Gregory Arenius has joined our team as our volunteer tech lead. He is a proud father of two wonderful young children and a strident supporter of public education who wants to see all the families in our city flourish. He is also a spectacularly great namer of stuffed animals.
We’ll let you know when we’re ready to take donations -- probably in the next few weeks. This is a grassroots movement, and donations will be limited to $99/person so that no single voice dominates. We’re used to running startups on a shoestring, and we don’t think we need a lot of money to get the recall on the ballot.
THANK YOU for your support!! It has been incredible to hear all of your stories, and we’re fighting very hard for you.
We’ll tell you more next week,
Autumn & Siva
PS Do you have friends who would like this newsletter? Ask them to sign up here .
PPS Autumn is working very hard to personally answer everyone who sent in comments. About 600 left….
If you would like to help collect the stories and reasons people support the recall, so we can publish a selection of them on our web page or blog, please email us at recallsfschoolboard@gmail.com . The job involves reading emails, personally responding to every person who shared a story, and asking for permission to share their story with the wider world.
Paid for by the Committee to Support the Recall of Board of Education Commissioners López, Collins, and Moliga