(14) Check Ins at Saturday's CSTG Zoom Meeting
Topics Discussed:
· Denny (KA3BVJ) Told us about the sale of Heil Sound to long time Employees and showed us some cool pictures of his vintage gear.
· Norm (AC3GD) - Described successfully building the KM3KM Mercury Amplifier, with pictures and construction details to supplement his talk.
· Jack (W3GY) Talked some more about his NUNK Processor, working DX, and his apparently indestructible 80M dipole while doing a passable Mike Nesmith imitation.
· Jeff (KB3EXE) Stressed the need for programs to get young people into building projects/tinkering/model making/etc.
· Stan (AB3BL) - Talked about his Jefferson Radio and gave us a general update.
- Penny (civilian) Showed off her recently re-wound cat scratching post and reusable silicone cooking bags that can withstand 400 degrees.
· Allan (KB3AC) Covered a variety of interesting projects with graphic aids including a repair/upgrade to an Astron power supply with schematics and adding a homebrew volume control and monitor speaker to his Packet Station.
Jack (AA3M) Couldn't make the meeting but we talked about him.
Fred (KA3IRJ) - Was in the middle of rebuilding (2) Bing Model 64 CV carburetors and talked about repairing a Samlex 100 AMP DC emergency power switch.
John (AB3ZI) and Chris (WW2BSA) popped in but had to leave before we could hear from them, which was unfortunate. Net Control vows to take "earlies" next Zoom Meeting and apologizes for the oversight.
· Roy (KC3BYC) planned an ice fishing trip with Norm during the meeting, got a new job at his old place of employment, and we all wished his XYL Debbie (KC3HBW) a Happy Birthday!
John (K3MD) Didn't show up either as he was busy with the RTTY contest, but we talked about him too!
· The Professor (a.k.a) Bob (KA2NVF) Reminded us of his HF Social Net every Wednesday at 1930 on 14.308 +/-
All in all a very nice CSTG Meeting if only in the virtual world. Of course everyone is interested as to when we can resume in person gatherings, and at this writing we are hopeful that we may do this in the month of April, COVID willing and if the creek don't rise.
So don't miss next month's Zoom meeting, scheduled for Saturday March 12th @1000. The room will open at 0900 for Social Hour/Yak Session with the formal meeting beginning at 1000. Don't forget to have your pictures/schematics/test data ready to share online with the group. Everyone is a Presenter at CSTG!