Compensation and Staffing News
January 2021
UUA Office of Church Staff Finances Mission
Guided by the values of our faith,
we equip congregations for excellence as employers
and their staff for financial competence and well-being.
You may need to click on continuation dots to view all articles and/or to see each one in its entirety.
Recap: The Shift from Guidelines to Standards
The pandemic dominated our lives last year (yours and ours), both personally and professionally. The new UUA Compensation Standards, introduced last February, did not get the attention they deserve. The graphic above is designed to help you understand the component pieces of the Standards. May this framework equip your congregation, as an employer, to live more fully into our Unitarian Universalist values.

Salary and Benefit Recommendations
UUA Compensation Standards are both a replacement for and an expansion of our longstanding Compensation Guidelines. The Guidelines were a set of quantitative recommendations: salary tables and geo indices for setting wages, and contribution levels for insurance and retirement benefits. See the "Numbers" boxes on the far right of the graphic. These recommendations are one component of the new Standards. But our Compensation Standards complement these numerically-based recommendations with two important additions legal requirements and process guidance.

Legal Requirements
You might assume that congregations operate within the law when it comes to benefits and payroll, but this is not always the case. Rules and laws related to benefits and payroll matters are complex, and there is often no formal training for those with personnel-related responsibilities. Additionally, turnover among staff and lay leaders tends to cause gaps in institutional memory. All of this makes legal compliance an ongoing challenge, putting congregations at risk and negatively impacting employees.

We expect UU congregations to be faithful employers faithful to the law as well as to our values. To provide clarity about legal must-do's related to the administration of benefits and payroll, we created two new checklists. Please make use of both the Pay Administration Checklist and the Benefits Administration Checklist. (These are also available in Word on the Compensation Standards page.) See the left side of the graphic.

On the legal compliance front, many of you already use the Benefits Tune-up Workbook. We hear from leaders how helpful it is in "decomplexifying" Plan requirements so that you can administer UUA benefit plans with confidence. We're making minor edits and publishing the 2021 edition in early February. (If you've been using the Workbook, the Benefits Administration Checklist will be a breeze.)

Process Guidance
Your congregation's compensation policies and practices represent an additional opportunity to practice your values within your walls. In late 2020, we further expanded our Compensation Standards by including process-related recommendations and resources to ground your compensation decisions in equity and transparency. Currently, the recommendations listed apply to wages only. We will add a benefits section in the future. See the "Process" boxes in the graphic.
Recap: Pandemic-Era Resources
After COVID-19 took hold, the UUA Office of Church Staff Finances published a number of new webpages and resources. We continue to update these as needed.

Recap: Support for Congregational Staff During Ministerial Transitions
In partnership with the UUA Transitions Office, we posted these resources in the fall for staff working with (or soon to be working with) an interim minister. We encourage staff to engage these as a team.

Please Send Forms Electronically
The Office of Church Staff Finances team requests that all forms and documents be sent to us electronically. We are working from our home offices all over the east coast. Mail sent to our Boston headquarters is significantly delayed in reaching us.

Retirement Plan
  • As always, distribution paperwork must be sent directly to TIAA by fax, upload to their dashboard, or US mail. Our staff cannot process withdrawal requests until they are deemed in good order by TIAA. See more on our Withdrawals and Distributions page.
  • Employer Participation Agreements should be sent by email to to request authorization to implement.

Insurance Plans
  • Health Plan enrollment can be done online.
  • Forms related to Dental, Life, and Long-Term Disability can be emailed. (Contact our staff if you need a secure email option for transmitting sensitive information.)
UUA Office of Church Staff Finances
24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210