Begun in 1984, the Apalachee RPC has been administering a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for small businesses throughout the region. The funding originated from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA), has been used to help create or retain jobs for businesses that don’t qualify for traditional lending.
Over the last two years, the Apalachee RPC expanded its RLF Program, with the addition of two new funds totaling just over $1.5 million. Additional federal funding became available via the Hurricane Michael Disaster Supplemental Act and the CARES Act and the Apalachee RPC Economic Development team took action. The EDA awarded the Council an $800,000 grant which was matched with a $200,000 investment by the Tallahassee-Leon Office of Economic Vitality. Together these funds were used to establish the Regional Economies Vested in Vital Enterprises (REVIVE!) program. REVIVE! has been used to grow small businesses and create more jobs within Leon County and the City of Tallahassee. The EDA also provided the Apalachee RPC a separate award of $580,000 to support the CARES Act RLF. This RLF provides businesses in Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jackson, Jefferson, Liberty, and Wakulla counties with gap financing to help them survive and recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To date, all CARES Act funding has been deployed. Example loan recipients include the Telogia Trading Post, a locally owned convenience store in Liberty County and the Norris Smokehouse, a meat-processing and retail sausage producer in Calhoun County. Staff continues to work promoting the REVIVE! RLF and CARES Act RLF programs to minority- and women-owned small business owners within the Apalachee Region and guiding loan applicants through the application process. For more information visit: