A Simple Recipe

for Marketing Success

Many years ago,

a highly effective salesperson

shared with me this

special formula for success.

Years later,

I still remember and use it daily.

It has always helped me

develop sound marketing strategies

and deliver positive results.

The formula is simple, effective

and in order of importance.

1) Do something to get the attention of your "audience."

2) Ask a question or share something

that will get and keep their interest.

3) Once you have their interest,

discover their desire and let them know

how you can help them fulfill that.

4) Finally, and most importantly,

help them take the necessary action

to get what they desire.

In other words, close the deal!


For an easy and fabulous dessert, you can't get any simpler than my Mom's recipe for Pioneer Bread Pudding!

This blend of custard and bread is pure comfort food that's lick-the-bowl yummy.

Click the photo for the recipe!

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