Annual Offering for the

Reconciliation Fund

September 25-October 2

This Annual offering is received for projects and ministry that promote pro-reconciliation/anti-racism ministries in our regional church and the whole church.

A video has been prepared by our regional ministers and can be accessed on the bottom right hand corner of our website home page.  Also available in that same area of the webpage is the video that was done by our Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation regional team last year.  

You can learn more about the offering and ministry of Reconciliation at this link to the whole church website and find some litany resources for worship.

There is a lovely music video from United Japanese Christian Church that is linked to the page.  You can find it here.

Another version that is choral can be found sung by a choir from First Plymouth Church Lincoln, Nebraska.  HERE

There is a video with the words to this song and a piano accompaniment HERE.

Programs and resources are provided to you by your Regional Church and the whole church ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which are supported by Disciples Mission Fund, Annual Fund gifts, the Christmas Offering, designated gifts, and invested funds Learn more about the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho HERE.