The Sea Turtle Conservation Team from the City's Gumbo Limbo Nature Center marked a record-breaking number of sea turtle nests on our beaches this season - 1,394!


  • The Team, currently led by Sea Turtle Conservation Coordinator David Anderson, has monitored, recorded, and studied sea turtle nesting activity on our beaches since 1977.

  • Leatherback, Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtles lay eggs on our beaches every year. During nesting season, the Team surveys the City's five miles of beaches daily for new nests and marks them with stakes and signage to keep the area protected until the turtles hatch.

  • The City has long championed conservation of our natural environment, with policies, initiatives, and outreach efforts that support coastal ecosystems on our barrier island and mainland.

  • Through public education and programming, like Gumbo Limbo's Sea Turtle Hatchling Releases and Turtle Walks, the community can learn more about the endangered animals, see them in their natural surroundings, and learn how to protect them.

“The record- breaking number of nests on our beaches this season is a testament to over 50 years of conservation efforts in our community."



Gumbo Limbo Nature Center