Watch Recorded Presentations from the Online Seminar on Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Headwall and the University of Florida Gainesville present "Recent and Ongoing Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Forestry & Plant Research"
"Intro to Hyperspectral Imaging with Application Examples and Scanning Kit Demo" by Will Rock
"Assessing Plant Stress using Hyperspectral Imaging in a Lab-Based Setting" by Stephen Lantin
“Multi-Target Multiple Instance Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection” by Dr. Susan Meerdink
“Combining Hyperspectral Data and Other Sources to Analyze Tropical Forest Canopy Function” by Trina Merrick
“Monitoring Tropical Forest Restoration by a Drone-LiDAR-Hyperspectral System” by Danilo R. A. de Almeida
Transcript of Questions with Answers given during the seminar and afterwards by the presenters (.pdf)
Click on each Chapter to see part of the seminar. You may need to fill out a short registration form if your browser does not remember your previous registration. For those in countries that block streaming video from the US, please contact us at [email protected] and we will try to accommodate you with some alternate viewing methods.
I'm here for you with answers to your questions!
 Mark Boehm 
Headwall Photonics, Inc. 
Southeast Regional Sales Manager
E-mail: [email protected]