The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was re-introduced in the U.S. Senate on March 31. NOW is the time for AFS Chapters across the country to stand-up for imperiled fish and express support for the bill! AFS thanks all the Chapters that provided their support for RAWA in the last Congress, and we appreciate those that signed on to the recent joint letter of support.
How else can you help?
We are making it super easy! AFS created a letter of support that we will send on behalf of your chapter to Capitol Hill. AFS's Government Affairs Consultant, Drue Winters, will insert the information for your Senators and state's allocation. We just need a little information from you:
If you sent a letter to the last Congress in support of RAWA:
Simply edit this letter with the species you want to highlight.
If you want to re-use the information from your last letter:
Simply confirm with Drue that you want to send the same letter identifying the
same species you want to highlight.
If you didn't submit a letter to last year's Congress:
Simply add the species information and Drue will take it from there upon the chapter's approval.
Send all edited letters and questions to AFS's Government Affairs Consultant Drue Winters at
Your support is important and makes all the difference as we build co-sponsors in the Senate. Let's get this done!