Recovery Coach Academy

Recovery Coach Academy Update!
New dates for the Recovery Coach Academy! 2/17/19 - 2/23/19
More Information
Update! Update! Update! Update! Update!

The dates for the upcoming RCA have changed from 1/13/19 - 1/19/19 to 2/17/19 - 2/23/19. So there is still time to register. There is still time to take advantage of the Inaugural pricing for the Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) Designation.

The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© is a 7-day intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Provided in a retreat like environment, the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© prepares participants by helping them to actively listen, ask really good questions, and discover and manage their own stuff.

CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© participants will:

  • Describe Recovery Coach role and functions
  • List the components, core values and guiding principles of recovery
  • Build skills to enhance relationships
  • Explore many dimensions of recovery and recovery coaching
  • Discover attitudes about self disclosure and sharing your story
  • Understand the stages of recovery
  • Describe the stages of change and their applications
  • Increase their awareness of culture, power and privilege
  • Address ethical and boundaries issues
  • Experience recovery wellness planning
  • Practice newly acquired skills

The lessons taught in the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© expand way beyond the role of recovery coach, as many graduates leave feeling a greater sense of self, solidifying their position as allies in the every changing recovery community.

Recognized nationally as the original and leading recovery offering of its kind, CCAR's Recovery Coach Academy© is an innovative new approach to healing people's lives that is unlike any other training. It offers participants the once-in-a-lifetime experience to gain new knowledge, be challenged, and reap valuable rewards, providing the essential learning, tools, and resources needed to become an effective recovery coach.

For more information and to register:

Recovery Coach Professional Designation

Recovery Coach Academy Professional Designation Course - 1st Semester

As the new year approaches the training session scheduled for January and through March, which designates the first semester of class is below. If you have taken Recovery Coach Academy and Ethics to receive the RCP designation you are required to take Spirituality 12 hours and Recovery Coach Professional 12 hours. COA would like all our coaches to take Mental Health First Aid, but it does not effect the RCP designation.

You are required to register for the courses if you h ave an interest in attending. We suggest early registration for this first semester as it will fill up fast since it is the first time we are offering Spirituality and RC Professional, so, sign up early!

If you have not taken any of the courses you can now register under RCP Course Registration and pay one price for the four course requirement. That choice is yours. The course price is $1,250.00 for all four. Since this is our initial offering we are discounting the price for all four courses. The Inaugural price is $799.00 (Use Promo Code RCPINTRO at checkout). This is the only time we will be offering this inaugural price for new trainees.

Recovery Coach Academy Professional Designation Course - 1st Semester

Course Price: $1250
Inaugural price: $799 (Use Promo Code RCPINTRO at checkout)

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City of Angels NJ, Inc. offers many services for people with addictions.

If you are actively using drugs and/or alcohol

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