Updates on Scheduled Recovery Community Events
Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Above all, Foundation for Recovery believes in the safety of our peers, community, volunteers and staff. The recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to the decision to postpone some of our scheduled community events, trainings, and groups while creating options for individuals to engage in services and avoid in-person interactions. Below you will find updates on scheduled activities and hours.

Foundation for Recovery will remain open to the public during normal office hours.
Southern Nevada Recovery Community Center
4800 Alpine Pl., Suite 12
Las Vegas, NV 89107
Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(702) 257-8199
Toll Free: 1-833-ASK-PEER (275-7337)
Northern Nevada Recovery Community Center
621 Pyramid Way
Sparks, NV 89431
Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(775) 384-9513
Toll Free: 1-833-FOR-PEER (367-7337)
Peer Support
Our peer support specialists will continue to see peers at our recovery community centers. We encourage anyone who has access to a phone or computer to consider seeing peer specialists through tele-recovery supports (over the phone or video session).

You may contact your peer specialist directly or use our peer support warm-line . If you have any questions or need assistance with arranging a video session, please contact us.

Peer Warm-line: 1-800-509-7762

A full directory of our peer support specialists with emails and phone numbers may be found here: https://forrecovery.org/meet-our-team/
Recovery Awards Dinner
The Recovery Awards Dinner, originally scheduled for May, has been postponed until further notice. Stay tuned for more details. Thank you for your understanding and be well.

If you have additional questions, please contact our director of development and strategic partnerships.

Magda Hirsch
(702) 257-8199 Ext. 954
Nevada Recovery Network & Advocacy Meetings
Each month, peer recovery support specialists and recovery stakeholders join together to organize, share updates, and address barriers in our communities.

The scheduled Nevada Recovery Network monthly meeting and subcommittee meetings will take place via video conference and phone instead of in-person . Below you will find the registration details.

NRN Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, March 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Public Policy Team Meeting - Monday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m.

Engagement & Outreach Team Meeting - Monday, March 30 at 6:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Sean O'Donnell at [email protected] or (702)461-9649
Women's Empowerment Series
At this time, the Women's Empowerment Series event scheduled for this Saturday, March 21 at 2:00 at Foundation for Recovery will be postponed. We will keep you updated on the new time for this workshop.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Lavatta Palm at [email protected] or (702) 257-8199 Ext. 943
The Rooms, Mutual Aid Meetings, and Support Groups
At our Southern and Northern recovery centers, many groups use space to hold regular meetings. These groups operate independently from Foundation for Recovery. We encourage you to contact the chair, secretary, or other member of your meeting to learn if meeting dates and times will be interrupted. Foundation for Recovery will continue to make space available to any group. We have also provided a list of other online options below. If there are other online recovery resources you would like to share, please feel free to post in the Nevada Recovery Network Facebook group or email our director of communication at [email protected] and we'll share across social media.
All Recovery Meetings
Our friends at WEconnect and Unity Recovery have partnered to offer All Recovery Meetings online, four times each day. An All-Recovery
meeting welcomes all who struggle with addiction, are affected by addiction and/or support the recovery lifestyle. An All-Recovery meeting is “non-denominational”, meaning all pathways of recovery are embraced.
In The Rooms
In The Rooms is a free online recovery tool that offers 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues. They embrace multiple pathways to recovery, including all 12 Step, Non-12 Step, Wellness and Mental Health modalities.
Recovery Dharma/Refuge
RDO members facilitate many different meetings each week using variations of the Recovery Dharma meeting format. Many combine meditation with readings from the book to inspire discussion, others focus on meditation and sharing alone, while others have special formats like speaker meetings or self-inquiry practice. From the meeting list you can click through to read the full details of the format and structure of each meeting. RDO members meet up at Online/Phone meetings and stay in contact between events. The fruit of this effort is a growing community of meetings driven by spiritual friends.
SMART Recovery
Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating). Participants find and develop the power within themselves to change and lead fulfilling and balanced lives guided by SMART Recovery's science-based and sensible 4-Point Program®.
LifeRing Secular Recovery is an organization of people who share practical experiences and sobriety support. There are as many ways to live free of drugs and alcohol as there are stories of successful sober people. Many LifeRing members attend other kinds of meetings or recovery programs, and LifeRing honors those decisions.
Recovery Leadership Academy
Foundation for Recovery, through the Nevada Recovery Network, offers continuing education and training on numerous topics for recovery stakeholders, providers, and peer recovery support specialists.

Scheduled trainings in the community will be postponed or offered via webinar.

Any agency or individual may request a training, either one-on-one or for a group, via webinar by contacting Sean O'Donnell at [email protected]

Scheduled trainings in partnership with the Las Vegas Alternative Peer Group (APG) will be postponed until further notice.
Peer Recovery Support Specialist Training (Hawthorne)
The Peer Recovery Support Specialist training scheduled for March 21-22 & 28-29 in Hawthorne, Nevada will be postponed until further notice.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions, please contact Tina Fennel at [email protected]
Additional Updates & Information
Foundation for Recovery will continue to keep you updated on changes to scheduled events and services. Below you'll find additional information on COVID-19 and some helpful resources.
Advice for the Public
The World Health Organization has created helpful advice for the public and healthcare workers along with updates on the spread of the virus and myth-busters.
Nevada Updates
The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health is monitoring COVID-19 in our state. You will also find additional resources here.
Blog on Mental Health and COVID-19
If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty...
Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health Blog
Some helpful tips for taking care of your behavioral health during the COVID-19 outbreak.