Dear Ones ~
Over the past week, I met with Bishop Ruth and our wardens to discuss my retirement from full-time parish ministry. I will transition from my ministry at St. Mark’s on January 1, 2025. I reached this decision after much thought, discussions with my family, and prayer. It feels right to make this move at this time.  
This timeline gives vestry members time to explore various approaches for the calling of your next rector. It will allow the selection of new members of vestry, along with those chosen for your search team, who will wish to be leaders in the selection of a new rector. As St. Mark’s continues to explore new facilities to enhance existing ministries while adding new opportunities to connect with our community, calling a new rector at this early stage of the process will allow this person to be part of the leadership team that will be with you through the completion of this important development and beyond.
As you know, the process for the selecting your next rector will be up to your vestry, with support from Bishop Ruth and with the resources of our diocese. I am sure the process will also involve opportunities for all to share their thoughts and comments as well. I will not, nor should not, be involved. Any questions regarding the selection process should be directed to your Vestry Wardens Cheri Thayer and Jim Phelps.
Please know that I will be fully present and engaged in our ministries now and through the days and months ahead. Being a part of this wonderful faith community is one of my great joys and I look forward to where the Holy Spirit is calling us next. My prayers are with you and I ask for yours.