May 2017 Newsletter


We are excited to announce that the Compactyre Tire Compactor is 47% off for a Limited Time! If your facility has scrap tires to store or dispose of, click here to learn more about the Compactyre, discounted through June 30 as part of our Quarterly Product Spotlight!

Articles from our Blog:

We have all heard about the benefits of recycling on the environment.  Many household and municipal recycling programs have significantly improved landfill usage and overall waste production during the past 25 years.  
But what about recycling for business? Is there a way to care for the environment AND increase revenue for your company?  YES!  Recycle valuable commodities today!

An Illinois bottling facility is taking recycling into their own hands. They use two M60STD Balers (pictured). The one on the left bales and recycles plastics, and the one on the right bales and recycles cardboard.

Businesses across the US are responsible for a large portion of the overall waste stream, yet not every business takes advantage of recycling.  It is a proven fact that it costs 40% more to send trash to the landfill, rather than recycle it, and up to 60% more to incinerate it. Even more valuable to business owners is that recyclables that are currently in the waste stream would be worth over $7 billion if they were recycled!

If your facility has ongoing scrap tire waste,  Compactyre , from Harmony Enterprises, can reduce the size of your scrap tires by 66%!  At just one-third of its size, a large stack of tires becomes easier to store, transport or recycle.  This creates an immediate return on investment on labor, hauling, and fuel costs and makes tire waste disposal easier (See Compactyre video here).

If you ever considered getting a tire compactor for your business, now is the time for action!  Harmony Enterprises has a limited supply of like-new, demo quality tire compactors ready for immediate shipment.  With no lead times, you can have your tire compactor in days at the  value rate of 47% off of retail price

This promotion only lasts through June 30th, 2017 so act now!
Learn more about getting the Compactyre for 47% off today!

Growing up as a student at the  Academy of Holy Angels in Richfield, MN, young Nick Roberts never dreamed that he would someday be on the other side of the desk. Admittedly, he was often glad just to get through the school day without causing too much trouble and completing his assignments on time.

As the National Sales Manager with Harmony Enterprises, the other side of the desk is exactly where Nick finds himself.  Not so ironically, it is in this role that Mr. Roberts feels right at home.

Public speaking has been a staple of his work's toolbox for years.  The ability of a successful sales person to effectively tell their story and engage their clients often is the difference between a sale won or lost.  Moreover, when the content of the story is personal in nature, the delivery is even more compelling.  That is why  Nick's participation as a Junior Achievement volunteer instructor on the topic of entrepreneurship has been a perfect fit.

Even though scientists have overwhelmingly suggested that there is sufficient evidence to prove this fact, many are reluctant to agree that climate change is real.

What about climate change in the manufacturing workplace?  Have workplace climates changed as dramatically over the past decade as global weather climates?  For most businesses, the answer is "yes".  

One example of a company that has had the vision and commitment to weather these climate changes in business is Harmony Enterprises in Harmony, MN.  Recognized as the recycling and waste solutions provider on a global scale, this family-owned manufacturer earns its revenue by producing equipment and services that improve the quality of the environment for generations to come.

We would love to hear from you!

At Harmony Enterprises, we don't just manufacture baling and compacting equipment. We are here to help you find a custom solution to your unique recycling and waste handling needs. Fill out the simple form or call us at 800-658-2320. We would love to hear from you!