Greetings from the herd at Red Horse!

We have lots of opportunities to connect, coming up fast - dig in and check it out!
There's still time to join our virtual edition of WOW - a workshop on implicit bias, geared for licensed workers in the health industry. In-person editions are coming in April and May!
We just wrapped our Winter edition of the virtual series, "Healing Culture through a Trauma-Informed Lens.' We are working to have an online (and on-demand) course up in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned for that. This is a great framework to help organizations be intentional about their culture; welcoming and supportive to all. We're happy to set up private groups and tailor the time investment to suit your needs.
ART for the Greater Good!
We have stationary with original art by Ulla available in our online store!
These unique prints will up your correspondence game by inspiring you to send notes to people you care about. Sets of 10 cards, blank on the inside with their titles on the back. There are wood prints for the wall available as well. We'll keep adding art to this series as long as there's interest.
We're booking Team Retreats for Spring/Summer 2022!
Red Horse’s Team Retreats are tailored to the team and designed to bring forward important themes and explore a collective, collaborative response to those discoveries. If you’d like more information about how it works or what we do, you’re welcome to look through our brochure and check out our website.
We also need your help to continue our work! We need to keep connecting to folks and spreading the word. We’ll share a few ways you can help below for recruiting subscribers, introducing us to teams that want to work, or wrangling donations and grants. Of course, you're already subscribed, but if you know someone who you think would like to hear from us, please send them our way.
Retreat Scholarships
Nonprofits, community organizations, educators, health care workers, and groups working towards social justice are often doing so through countless challenges and on shoestring budgets. They would greatly benefit from a peaceful retreat, structured to help them discover how to strengthen their collaborations and do their best work. However, it can be difficult to afford as a single-day retreat with multiple facilitators, horses, and meals can range from $2,000 to $5,000 in costs. With your help, Red Horse hopes to provide at least ten no-cost scholarships to full-day organizational retreats to organizations in need in 2022. Teams will be invited to participate in an experiential retreat, tailored to their needs and goals. It is an opportunity for them to share peaceful space for powerful work. If you know a team that would benefit, you can send them our way, or sponsor a retreat!
Sponsoring the Herd
We're kicking off our new sponsor-a-horse program. Our herd of eight horses has grown into a team of specialists and co facilitators who contribute to people's lives in profound and generous ways. They all have remarkable stories of resilience, courage, community and enlightenment. We will be populating our "team" section of the website with each of their stories. These donations and sponsorships will help contribute to the ongoing and rising costs of providing for this incredible herd. Veterinary bills, routine farrier trims, supplements, feed and overall upkeep are significant challenges to keep these beautiful beings healthy, happy and well cared for.

Individual horse profiles are almost up!
Red Horse Center for Collaborative Leadership