
On behalf of the Red Lodge City Pool Committee, we are excited to share the latest update on the Red Lodge City Pool fundraising and construction efforts with you. Our path to success depends on the passion, generosity and dedication of people such as you. Thank you for your support, trust, and engagement with the project. The City Pool will serve the community's residents and visitors alike.
Red Lodge City Pool - The Path to Success
April 2022
Some History. The first city pool was built in 1926. It was called the Beartooth Plunge and was located at 606 Grant Avenue. Matija Kovaĉ from Slovenia arrived in Red Lodge in the early 1910s. He worked in the area coal mines. Matija is credited with building the first indoor pool heated by coal from the area mines. Matija married a young lady from Bearcreek and they had two sons. Matija died in December 1932. His two grandchildren Kay and Steven Kovach live here in Red Lodge. The photo to the right is compliments of Kay Kovach.
In 1983 the pool was relocated and built at its current location on South Oakes Ave. The outdoor pool has served the summer users very well. Records indicate the pool averaged 900 swimmers per month; 30% of the users were from outside of Red Lodge. In recent years the outdoor pool faced mechanical and operational challenges; it was losing about 8500 gallons of water per day. The pool was not ADA compliant by current standards and City Public Works declared it was beyond a quick fix. The pool had an abbreviated 2018 season and was closed the summer of 2019.
The Effort to Rebuild. The Red Lodge Community Pool Renovation initiative is the direct result of a community-driven campaign to get the city pool rebuilt. The Red Lodge City Pool was deemed unsafe and irreparable. Replacing the facility was the only option. Prior to closing the pool, the city recognized the deteriorating mechanical issues. In November 2016 the city authorized a detailed evaluation of the pool including a public survey. Several options were considered; location, the feasibility of an indoor all-season pool, and increasing the size were considered. It took time, study, and several meetings. In August 2019 the city hired Interstate Engineering to initiate a pool design at the current location.

In November 2020 the City Council appointed a 5-member Pool Committee to review the design, make recommendations, and develop a plan to raise funds to help cover the costs of the project. In December 2020 the city passed Resolution 3558 authorizing the rebuilding of the pool. In April 2021, Resolution 3574 authorized the city to secure a 20-year bond at a favorable interest rate to cover the base pool renovation and the associated mechanical upgrades at $1.844 million. The bond was to be paid from Resort Tax revenue. Langlas & Associates was awarded the bid to rebuild the basic pool including all the mechanical systems. Work on the base pool began in June 2021.

After reviewing the initial design and plans, the pool committee noted that to complete the project, meet the needs and address the results of the stakeholder survey, we should include updating the pool house and adding some amenities such as a 7-feature splash pad, water slide, and a shade pergola. This became Phase II. In March 2021 the city approved Resolution 3568 proceeding with design plans for Phase II. Plans and estimated cost were presented to the city council. The mayor at that time approved beginning work on the pool house in October 2021. In January 2022 the council approved proceeding with the balance of Phase II. Langlas & Associates/Thompson Pools was awarded the Phase II bid. The current estimated cost of Phase II is $1.248 Million.

The total estimated cost for the pool renovation, including Phase I and II is $3.09 million. Despite weather delays, delays in delivery of material, and cost increases, the completion date for the renovation of the pool is June 17, 2022. That being the case we should be swimming by June 21st. Interstate Engineering and Langlas representatives meet regularly with the pool committee and city representatives.
Some Renderings of the New Pool:
Fundraising Status. The City Pool creates active play spaces for the youth in Red Lodge as well in greater Carbon County. The community relies on the facility as an accessible and affordable place for social recreation and to provide lifelong skills through the Learn to Swim program. Adults use the pool for exercise, lap swimming, and simple enjoyment. The Pool was the primary venue to recreate and learn water safety, averaging 800 to 1000 swimmers per summer month. Many of the users can ride bikes or walk to the pool. Based on historical records approximately 500 youth have taken advantage of the lunch program at the pool.

Visitors to Red Lodge rely on the pool as a safe, supervised location for their children. Red Lodge, a community of 2,200, has, according to Montana Tourism & Recreation Dept, approximately 275,000 summer tourists annually.

In December 2020 the Pool Committee prepared a detailed business plan and developed a strategy to raise funds to help the city fund Phase I and to cover all the costs associated with Phase II. We prepared promotion materials such as brochures and video clips. We signed a fiscal agreement with the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation giving us the 501(c)(3) status. The Foundation receives and administers the donations, placing the funds in a separate designated pool account until needed.

We took advantage of the foundation's ability to prepare newsletters, contact potential donors, and provide some grant writing expertise. The foundation-administered 2021 Fun Run generated a record $36,829 for the pool.

To date, the Pool Committee has raised $1.4 million in cash and pledges. Early in the process $325,000 was given to the city to help cover the cost of Phase I, reducing their loan obligation to $1.52 million. An additional $30,000 has been placed in a designated Pool Endowment account to help defray future operation and maintenance expenses. The remaining $1.045 million will be applied to Phase II which includes a complete pool house renovation, a 7-feature splash pad, a deck-mounted waterslide, a shade pergola, and solar hydro heating. It should be noted that there have been some independent fundraising activities that raised funds to support this effort. The Festival of Trees and the Bearcreek Pig Race are just two examples of this support.

The total cost of Phase II is $1.247 million. To complete the project with all the Phase II amenities we need to raise an additional $227,627. To that end, we continue to identify applicable grants and continue to pursue potential donors. To date, we have received donations from over 1,100 individual donors, foundations, and/or businesses. Construction continues and the new ADA compliant pool is on schedule to reopen no later than June 21, 2022.

As we get closer to the pool opening the Council will consider and discuss Resolution 3598 which amends the duties of the existing Pool Committee, directing them to review and recommend plans and programs to help the pool achieve optimal operation. This seven-member committee will report directly to Public Works Director and the Mayor.

This project has truly been a team effort with the community, the city, independent fundraisers, and the foundation working together to build a pool that the community will be proud of.

As mentioned above, as of this writing we are $227,627 short of our goal. We have sent inquiries and or applied to three separate charitable foundations. Those applications are pending. We continue to contact potential donors to help us with this project. If you or a friend are able and willing to help us reach our goal and want to join the list of over 1,100 donors, donations can be made by checks payable to:

RLACF City Pool Fund and sent to: RLACF, 122 Hauser Ave. South / PO Box 1871, Red Lodge, MT 59068. You can donate online at

Thank you for your support of this very worthwhile project.

A detailed breakdown of the fundraising totals and goals can be seen by clicking here.
Submitted by: Red Lodge City Pool Committee
April 12, 2022

Al Bloomer, Chairman
Judith Gregory, Vice Chairman
Anita Philipsborn, Secretary
Lindsey Hoffmann
Laura Gundlach
Rod Fordahl, consultant