Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6:00pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 09-16-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Redfish & Raiders at Sea Hag Marina!
This weekend we had the pleasure of hosting the Annual Lady Raiders Inshore Slam! Over 75 participants signed up to fish! 
The Lady Raider Softball Team had a blast this weekend!
Winners below: 
Trout: 1st- Justin Tell, 2nd- Louis Youtz, 3rd- John Cavanzon
Redfish:1st- Cane Schwab, 2nd- David Garzon, 3rd- Mackenzie Powell
Largest legal Fish:Steve English- Black Drum
Most spots on Redfish: Justin Tell - 13 spots
Juniors: 1st- Taylor Blayne, 2nd- Brayden English, 3rd- Jackson English
Doug Borries with Dynamic outdoor TV, from Ocean Springs Mississippi, went fishing with Capt. Mike Duttenhaver!
These folks were all smiles weighing-in their redfish!

Redfish is so delicious! Can't wait to give this recipe a try! 
Click the link below to view the recipe!

Capt. Mike Duttenhaver caught a tripletail!
Kristin Skipper, our tournament director, rocked the weigh-in at 6 months pregnant!
This guy caught a nice redfish!
It was a weekend for redfish at Sea Hag!
This guy caught a nice dinner-sized trout!
Michael Armstrong caught an awesome gag grouper!
Mike Carter, Steve and Danny Smyth went fishing with Capt. Max Leatherwood and tore up the trout & redfish!

The New seahag.comVISIT OUR WEBSITE! Click HERE!

Capt. Mike Duttenhaver is holding up a very spotted redfish!
Justin Hiers and Hannah Saunders doubled up on redfish while fishing in Horseshoe!
Saturday was full of puppies!
 Three puppies wondered up to Sea Hag. Unfortunately we were unable to find the owners, however the puppies found wonderful forever homes.
Our crew fell in love!
Excellent turnout for the Lady Raider Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament! See the remaining photos below!
Michael Neu & Mackenzie Powell with their redfish!
Jamie Driggers caught a great-size redfish!
Michelle & her father Dave caught a nice slam of fish!
Vinny & Vanessa Nguyen-Phu caught two nice redfish & a trout!
Justin Tell won Most Spots on a Redfish with his 13 spotted redfish!
Connor McKinnon caught a nice redfish!
Steve, Brayden & Jackson English with their fish!
This guy caught a nice redfish!
Chad Griffin & his fishing partner weigh-in some nice trout!
Taylor Blayne won 1st Place Junior Angler!
These guys caught matching redfish!
Connor, Shelly & Andy weighed-in a nice redfish!
This guy doubled up on trout!
The Alexander, Berrang and Lacouture families had a blast scalloping Labor Day Weekend!
Upcoming Events!
Join us on World Cleanup Day for our annual Trash Tournament! Free food & beer provided! Let's clean up our waters & community!
Last year's turnout was awesome! Let's do it again!
Hooked on Heroes needs additional boats. 
If you would like to help with your boat, please call Ron Cadle at 386-364-9589. They supply 15 gallons of gas and lunch for you & your helper. Date set is 3rd of October at Sea Hag Marina. 
For more info click here.

Local Steinhatchee Events:

This weekend, Sept. 17-20th, Fiddler's is having 5 different bands play at their restaurant! Enjoy good food & live music!

With the current restrictions and the community center being shut down, I sadly have to cancel the Trunk or Treat this year. It saddens me to see this event not be held as it brings so much fun and happiness to our small town and I hope everyone can understand and respect this decision. I started this 4 years ago and have loved watching it grow every year. I hope next year to bring it back!
- Anna (TorT Director)

Riven Haven is serving food & hosting a 50/50 Raffle for Mike & Jane Lee #FINDACURE
Shane Cook, Adam Porter, Dillon May and Kaitlyn Dix brought back a haul of hogfish, red grouper, gag grouper & more!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4 - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!