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Calflora aggregates plant location data from thousands of sources. Locations and written location descriptions from these datasets are helping botanists rediscover plant populations and document them in Calflora. Here are a few examples:

Vaccinium shastense ssp. shastense

Len Lindstrand III used hand-written notes on a specimen to rediscover the 1900 Milo Baker collection of Vaccinium shastense ssp. shastense.

Len searched intensively near the Afterthought Mine for months, finally finding the site. Co-author Julie Kierstead documented it in Calflora.

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Photo by Len Lindstrand III.

Ranunculus lobbii

Hunter Breck rediscovered Jeff Greenhouse's 1996 Ranunculus lobbii (Lobb's aquatic buttercup) Contra Costa County population.

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Myosurus minimus

Dianne Lake and Cat Change rediscovered a population of Myosurus minimus (little mouse tail), originally documented in 1930.

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Photos by Kevin Dixon (left) and Dianne Lake (right).

Amsinckia lunaris

East Bay CNPS volunteers rediscovered Adam Chasey's 2019 Amsinckia lunaris (Bent flowered fiddleneck) populations.

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Photo by Adam Chasey.

Track Population Change Over Time

When you rediscover a plant population, you may create a history stack. A history stack organizes multiple records concerning the condition of a population over time. In a history stack, all of the records concerning the population are linked back to the earliest, or root, record.

Some history stacks in Calflora are many layers deep and reflect population area, plant count, and percent cover change over the course of decades. Learn how here.

Show us your rediscovered plant populations by replying to this email! Please include a link / url.

Support Calflora, and independent nonprofit organization.
Calflora is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 31-1689940. Please reply to this email or contact [email protected] with any questions.

1700 Shattuck Avenue #198
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 883-3148
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