Learn why your community expertise is important to the redistricting process
Our Redistricting 101 webinars kick off this week, the first step in the process of redrawing City Council district boundaries. During the one-hour sessions you will learn:
Why does the City of Carlsbad have City Council districts?
Why do they need to change?
Who decides on the new boundaries?
How does this affect upcoming elections?
How can you weigh in?
Use the links below to sign up. If you prefer to watch a live stream instead, a link will be available city's website. All meetings are from 6 to 7 p.m.
Each meeting will cover the same information. You are encouraged to attend the meeting for the district where you live, but all members of the public are welcome to attend any of the meetings.
Want to learn more? Check out a short video to find out what redistricting is.
For more information and to review answers to frequently asked questions, see the city's recently updated redistricting page. If you have questions we haven't yet addressed, email us at redistricting@carlsbadca.gov.