Reduction in Nursing Hours Upheld by Appeals Court

If you or a loved one relies upon Medicaid to pay for private duty nursing, a significant case has happened in the past two weeks which may affect your care.  You already know that over the past few years, Ohio has been eliminating or cutting back on Medicaid funded nursing.


Medicaid Applications: Pitfalls to Avoid

For many families, placing a loved one in a nursing home is a traumatic and unwelcomed event.  In so many cases, the adult children of elderly parents are signing admission agreements to nursing homes that have a personal guarantee of payment - that if the nursing home doesn't get paid, the adult child will be personally responsible.  But these individuals are told, "Don't worry, Medicaid will pay once the money runs out."  

Volume 8, Issue 1



We are pleased to announce the election of  Attorney David Banas as a Shareholder.  He will also serve as a Director of the Firm.

Attorney Blaine Brockman has been elected to the national board of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

Attorneys Franklin Hickman and Janet Lowder have been included in the 2019 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America.  Franklin was named in the area of Education Law.  Janet was named in the areas of Elder Law, Litigation - Trusts & Estates, and Trusts & Estates.  

Upcoming Events

Exceptional Mom's Day
Saturday, November 17, 2018
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Nicholson House
13335 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood

Join Attorney Linda Gorczynski for a day of learning to better advocate for your child at school, networking with other moms, and pampering. 

Click here for details and registration

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