Santa's Ride to the Holiday Party!!!

Upcoming Calendar

Redwood Region Calendar


15 - Registration opens for "Run for the Crab". Register

26 - "POSSE" PORSCHE OWNERS SUNDAY SOCIAL Event @ Vintage Oaks, Novato.

28 - REDWOOD REGION Board Meeting - 7 - 9 pm. @ Torches Restaurant, Petaluma


15 - REDWOOD'S "RUN for the CRAB".

23 - "POSSE" PORSCHE OWNERS SUNDAY SOCIAL Event @ Vintage Oaks, Novato.

25 - REDWOOD REGION Board Meeting - 7 - 9 pm. @ Torches Restaurant, Petaluma


12 - Redwood's Charity Adventure to the Food Bank

23 - "POSSE" PORSCHE OWNERS SUNDAY SOCIAL Event @ Vintage Oaks, Novato.

25 - REDWOOD REGION Board Meeting

7 - 9 pm. @ Torches Restaurant, Petaluma.

PCA / Zone 7 Calendar


9 - Zone 7 Presidents Meeting - 9 to 3 pm.

@ PORSCHE of Sacramento

9 - Zone 7 Awards Dinner - 5 - 8 pm.

@ PORSCHE of Sacramento

21 - Diablo DE @ Thunderhill Raceway

22 & 23 - GGR Club Races & DE @ Thunderhill Raceway

Non-PCA Events of Interest

2/2 - Marin Cars & Coffee @ Vintage Oaks, Novato - 6:30 to 10 am.

2/8 - 2nd Saturday Motor Social - 8 - 9 am. PORSCHE of Marin @ Strawberry Shopping

Center, Mill Valley.

2/16 - 356 Registry Breakfast - Vintage Oaks, Novato

3/2 - Marin Cars & Coffee @ Vintage Oaks, Novato - 6:30 to 10 am.

3/8 - 2nd Saturday Motor Social - 8 - 9 am. PORSCHE of Marin @ Strawberry Shopping

Center, Mill Valley.

3/16 - 356 Registry Breakfast - Vintage Oaks, Novato

President's Message

Sharon Neidel


Happy New Year!

2025 is going to be a great year for Redwood Region.

Let me introduce you to your Board of Directors for 2025 –

Your elected Executive Council

President – Sharon Neidel

Vice-President – Pat Burke

Secretary – Eileen Gaines

Treasurer – Don Magdanz

Past President – Vern Rogers

The following appointed directors have agreed to continue in office:

Newsletter Editor – David Bunch

Webmaster – Chip Witt

Auto-X & Communications – Stacy O’Connell

Rally – Jerry Wachtel

Concours – Essy Fariab

Events & Social Media – Kurt Fischer

Safety – Craig Steele

We welcome two new directors to the Board

Membership – Brad Williams

Sponsorship – Mike LaFrenais

We all owe a huge Thank You to Jeff Hall for his service as both Membership and Sponsorship the last few years. Jeff will continue with special events and projects.

As I write this the Bylaws Election is still in process.

I will update you on the results in February.

The full calendar is under construction but it is going to be a great year. We already started with over 40 cars on the "One One Fun Run" to Hamburger Ranch. Our next event is the Run for the Crab on February 15th. Hold the Date of September 13th on your calendar for a special event.

It is PCA’s 70th Anniversary and we are working on an event to celebrate in style.

Don’t forget you can always join us at the monthly Board Meeting. They are held the last Tuesday of each month at Torches Restaurant in Petaluma.

This is your Club and your voice is always welcome.

Hope to see you at an event soon

Questions? Email me..


Vice-President's Message

Pat Burke


Happy New Year to all of us Redwood Region Members!

As 2025 begins, I’m eager to serve another year as your Region’s Vice

President and I look forward to an exciting and eventful year. We have

planned many events and are still organizing others to make 2025 one of our busiest years with mid-week opportunities as well as on the weekends.

We have scheduled several rallies and there will be group driving tours to several wineries in our Region. We’ll also be traveling to the gold country in September, and in October we’ll once again be holding our annual Concours in Sonoma Town Square and our annual Holiday Party in December.

Our “Run for the Crab” event is next month on Saturday, February 15th. We’ll work up an appetite with a driving tour through west Marin County ending at the Marin Yacht Club for a fabulous local Dungeness Crab feed with all the fixings!!! This event sells out every year and very quickly. Registration will open on January 15th. I hope to see you there!

We’re always looking for ideas for events and value our members’ input. If you have an idea for an event, please let me know directly via email. Also, please check our website calendar for the

2025 events listed.

On a personal note, my wife Katherine and I are traveling to Stuttgart in late April and will be spending a few days there. I know many of you have traveled there, so I’d love any information that you’d like to share for hotels and what to do while visiting the home of Porsche. Any and all help is appreciated! You can send it to me directly at my email address. Thank you in advance!

I am extremely honored to be your Region’s Vice President, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming 2025 events and, if we haven’t met, please introduce yourself. I’d love to meet you!

You can always reach out to me directly at email with any questions.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!

Upcoming Events

Uncle Ferry wants you to join the P.O.S.S.E!

January 26, 8 am to 10 am.

What’s this, you ask?

It’s the Porsche Owners Sunday Social Event…

Who’s invited?

Any Porsche owner or driver, regardless of the model they have.

When is it?

Every fourth Sunday of the month from 8 am to 10 am.

Where is it?

In front of Starbucks, at the familiar Vintage Oaks Shopping Center, in Novato.

How much will it cost?

Nothing, nada, zip, zero.

Why is this happening?

It’s an opportunity for Porsche owners to have an informal get-together, at a North Bay location, before going to brunch, heading to the hills, cruising to the coast… or, wherever one wishes to drive that day. It’s a chance to meet and talk to your fellow Porsche owners. It’s a chance to put names and faces with the cars. It’s a chance to show off your ride!

See you there!

Membership Reports and Information

Brad Williams

Membership Director

Understanding that I have very big shoes to fill.

I am commencing my period as Membership Director for the

Redwood Region of the Porsche Club of America.

Welcome to all our new members and a Happy New Year to all members. Our Redwood Region is very active and, as always, we encourage you to take part in the many and diverse activities sponsored by the club. There really is something for everyone. The Region’s monthly newsletter that you are reading, der Riesenbaum, is a great source for finding upcoming events and reading about events that have recently occurred. Another great source to learn about upcoming events is the Region’s website.

In November and December we celebrated 56 Redwood Region anniversaries of five

years or more! Two members, Sharon Neidel, our Redwood Region President, and Jon

Lail celebrated their 50th anniversary! A huge Redwood congratulations goes out to

Sharon and Jon for this amazing milestone!

Don’t forget about the Porsche Owners Sunday Social Event. P.O.S.S.E. is a Porsche only Cars & Coffee held the 4th Sunday of every month. This is a wonderful chance for new members to come to a casual event, see a bunch of Porsche cars and mingle with like-minded folks! See you on January 26th at the Vintage Oaks Shopping Center in Novato (in front of Starbucks) at 8am.

All members are invited to join in our monthly Board Meetings held on the last Tuesday of each month. We meet at Torches Restaurant in downtown Petaluma. Everyone is welcome AND the club picks up your dinner tab (food and non-alcoholic beverages only).

As always, please email me any questions about membership.

Thanks, Brad.

 Charity Corner 2025

Ben Davoren

Redwood Charity Liaison

Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks to your membership dues, in 2024 Redwood Region

donated a total of $7500 to five different charitable organizations. I am proud to represent our group knowing that our support provides direct help to people in our region who are far less fortunate than we are.

The organizations we supported are:

1. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Sonoma County: $3,000

2. REFB (Redwood Empire Food Bank): $1,500

3. Homeward Bound of Marin: $1500

4. Toys for Tots $500

5. THRT (Technology High School Robotics Team): $1,000

  HOMEWARD BOUND of Marin 50th Anniversay Cake!

In November, I attended Homeward Bound of Marin’s 50th Anniversary celebration at their main

site in Novato and took a tour of “Sweeney Place,” 26 apartments ready to take new formerly

homeless occupants. They were very modern and well-crafted, so our donation is resulting in

really tangible benefits. And as promised, there was in fact a 50-foot cake!

In December, we presented our longstanding primary charity, Sonoma CASA, with our donation

at our Holiday Party, a valued tradition for longer than I have been a Redwood member.

At the same party, you all filled the Toys for Tots donation boxes to the brim, nice work!

For 2025, we will see how our sponsored robotics team fares at their Sacramento “Bot Battle”

competition in April.

Around the same time, we will plan our next spring “charity adventure” day of volunteering at the REFB after a morning driving tour, which includes a hosted lunch at Windsor’s Barley & Bine Beer Café. Stay tuned!

Sponsorship Corner

Jeff Hall

Sponsorship Director

I’m looking forward to exciting times with our sponsors in 2025. I had the honor of sharing a table at the Holiday Party with two of our sponsors. They both shared with me their ongoing enthusiasm for and continued support of the Redwood Region into the coming year!

From Porsche Marin, Jacquelyn Hanley, Customer Service Manager,

Santa Rosa Autobody's Owners Patrick & Tina Herfel.

It is my great privilege to welcome Mike LaFrenais as the new Sponsorship Coordinator! Mike will be taking over the responsibilities of ALL our sponsors except Porsche Marin. I will remain on board to continue to manage and grow that relationship. Please join me in congratulating Mike on his new position and welcoming him to our Board of Directors.

Don’t forget to patronize our sponsors and always ask for our PCA membership discount! If you ever have ideas on how to add to, improve or have questions about our Sponsorship Program please don’t hesitate to reach out to Mike LaFrenais or Jeff Hall. Please don’t reach out to the sponsors directly as we may already have discussions in the works about the exact idea you are enthusiastic about.

Thank you!

Redwood Region would like to thank our sponsors: Porsche Marin, Autobahn Automotive, Auto Sport Detailing Inc., Hi Tec Automotive, Santa Rosa Autobody and our Porsche Club members for contributing almost 250 toys, books and clothing for Toys for Tots! We helped give 1300 kids in 800 families, in Sonoma County, a magical Christmas and Holiday Season!

Our sponsors are in the der Riesenbaum monthly and are on our website always.

Porsche Marin 
Autobahn Automotive 
Santa Rosa Auto Body
Hi-Tec Automotive
Auto Sport Detailing

In the Zone

Who else is ready for an event packed year?

Brian Adkins

Zone 7 Representative


Hello Zone 7,

I am thrilled to have been asked to serve a 2nd term as your Zone Representative. The Zone Rep is a liaison between PCA National and the Regions. I am lucky to be the PCA National team face that you will see at your local events. The position is appointed by the National Executive Council and reports to the National President. I am here to work with Regions to bring tools, resources, support and insight. To be a part of the 10 Regions of Zone 7 is truly an honor. Your Regions have held their annual elections, and I welcome those new to each Board and Chair positions, know I pledge my ongoing commitment support you, your team and Region.

Zone 7 Autocross / Concours and Non-Competitive Awards Function will be held

Sunday, March 9th @ Porsche Sacramento. I will post info and registration info soon.

The 2025 Zone 7 Autocross Series schedule is updated below! 9 events, hosted by 5 different regions, at 4 locations. There is a class for everyone & every car.

Come on out and join us. Full details on the series can be found at the Zone 7 Website

The 2025 Concours series will publish their calendar as we put info together. Including the

Judges class & Training. Our Concours events are NOT white glove persnickety at all. Always a FUN time with great cars & awesome people. We have a class for every car in every level of preparation.

A BIG date for 2025 is PCAs 70th Anniversary on Saturday, September 13th . Look for lots of

information and news about this from PCA National and your local Region.

Looking forward to seeing you at an event in 2025


Please let me know if your Region has an event that is open to other Regions / needs broader

participation reach. I am happy to share that information.

Looking forward to seeing you at an event.


Zone 7 … stay connected.

Zone 7 Website -

Zone 7 Facebook - Zone 7 Facebook

Zone 7 AX Facebook – Zone 7 AX Facebook

Zone 7 Concours Facebook – Zone 7 Concours Facebook

2025 Zone 7 Autocross Series Schedule

Regions are now using the Zone 7 classification system. for more info.

Date Location Host Region

April 5th Thunderhill SVR

April 6th Thunderhill RED

May 10th Madera Airport SEQ

June 14th Salinas Airport LPR

June 15th Salinas Airport GGR

September 13th Crows Landing GGR

September 14th Crows Landing LPR

October 18th Thunderhill SVR

October 19th Thunderhill RED

2025 Zone 7 Concours Series Schedule

2025 Info coming.

2025 DE Schedule

… Info to come but here is an early scoop

Drivers! Our first scoop of GGR's 2025 track dates is served!

- March 22-23 Thunderhill (w Diablo March 21)

- April 26-27 Thunderhill (w Diablo April 25)

- May 31-June 1 Buttonwillow (w Central Coast May 30)

- June 28-29 Sonoma (w Diablo June 27)

- October 18-19 Thunderhill (w Diablo October 17)

More scoops to follow!

Redwood Holiday Party

David Bunch

der Riesenbaum Editor

On December 14th, 70 Redwood Members and guests gathered at the "Marin Yacht Club" in San Rafael for its Holiday Party. Thanks to Paul Simmons, one of our members, being a Past Commodore at the Club, we have been able to use the MYC for some of our past Club "Run for the Crab" events and now the Holiday Party.

Driving into the Marin Yacht Club, many of the yachts & boats were decorated with lights, decorations & Santas. It definitely helped to get you into the Christmas Spirit.

The Yacht club had done a great job setting the room for the Holiday Party. Redwood VP. Pat Burke had worked tirelessly, with the MYC staff to develop a fantastic Christmas Buffet Menu.

Redwood's Photographer Extraodinaire Paige & Sec. Eileen Gaines setting up the big-screen TV to show the slide show they assembled of the highlights from 2024 in the Redwood Region.

Everyone got to mingle for an hour, catch up with "old" friends and make some new friends and enjoy some of the fantastic appetizers that the Club presented to the members.

Dinner was served including Prime Rib, Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables and a

Vegetarian option followed by a wonderful dessert.

After dinner, President Sharon Neidel, introduced the Board Members in attendance and welcome some New region members attending the Holiday Party. Also, she introduced the two new Board members, Brad Williams taking over Membership and Mike LaFrenais becoming Sponsorship Director and thanked Jeff Hall for his time doing Double-Duty as Membership & Sponsorship Directors.

Arriving after dinner Santa in his Porsche Racing Suit, was able to pass out

Door prizes, thanks of Porsche of Marin.

Once all the talking was done, it was time to dance!!!

Once again, "Void Where Prohibited" was here to provide music to the dancing Redwoodies to enjoy.

I don't think Lisa & Ben Davoren ever left the dance floor all night!!

A fantastic event was had by all.

Thanks to our photographers, Paige Gaines, David Bunch and Katherine Zimmer Burke.

Enjoy the Holiday Party photos!


David Bunch

der Riesenbaum Editor

Happy New Year!! As has been a Redwood Region tradition for a quite a few years, we gathered together to enjoy some of the fantastic back roads of Sonoma County.

We first drove the planned route in early December, out of Petaluma heading to Occidental and then up to Cloverdale to the "Hamburger Ranch". Unfortunately, one of the roads had not been maintained for a few years and the planned Bio-Break in Occidental would not be open till later on New Year's Day. So, it was back to Google Maps and planning another route. Mid December with a new route planned, we again headed out only to find 2 of the roads CLOSED due to all the rain and roads flooded!! So, the weekend before the 1st, we again headed out to drive the route but again ran into another road CLOSED!!! So, New Year's Eve Day, we went out and were able to drive the entire route with all roads open thanks to no rain for a few days!

New Year's Day we arrive at the starting location in Petaluma and we have some early arrivals already there. We organize the 40+ Porsches and a couple other cars into 3 groups with "Leads", "Mids" & "Sweeps" for each. Everyone gets to spend time catching up with "Old" friends, making some "New" friends and of course looking over all the Porsches.

Time for the "Drivers Meeting", President Sharon Neidel welcomed the 60+ drivers & passengers to the drive. We had people not just from Redwood, but GGR & Diablo Regions in attendance. Sharon and I reviewed the route instructions with everyone, the Tour rules and thanked everyone for joining us.

We led the first group out in "Molly" our 968, with 15 Porsches with VP. Pat & Katherine Burke as our "Mid" and Kurt (Doc) Fischer as our "Sweep". The route took us up Stony Point Road, to Pepper Road, to Bodega Ave. then onto Fallon Rd, to Tomales/Petaluma Rd. to Tomales for our Bio-Break. We pull into Tomales by the William Tell House and the parking lot is already 1/2 full with a lot of VW's and Vanagons!!! We pull in and I immediately start talking with some of their drivers. They were heading up the coast, so we wouldn't be crossing paths later on.

A few minutes later, Group 2 with it's 15 Porsches pulls in behind us, led by Christina Perry with Navigator Jeff Hall, "Mid" Don Nohai & Navigator Anne-Marie with "Sweep" Don Magdanz.

Group 1 rolled out heading up Hwy. #1, to Valley Ford Road, to Freestone Valley Ford Rd., eventually onto one of the best driving roads, Bohemian Hwy. for the cruise into the town of Occidental. The group continued up to Monte Rio, then headed east on River Road, through Guerneville to another great driving road, Westside Road. going thru the vineyards of the Russian River Valley, where the great Pinot Noirs are grown. We continue up thru Dry Creek Valley on West Dry Creek Roiad making our way to Dutcher Creek Road, to Asti Rd. into Cloverdale to "The Hamburger Ranch".

Group 3 rolled into The Hamburger Ranch led by Craig & Sandy Steele, with Joe Burroughs as the "Mid" and Essy & Rosa Fariab as their "Sweep".

We completely filled up the main room at The Hamburger Ranch and some of the tables in the other room as everyone loaded up on burgers and BBQ.

Again, Thank You to everyone that attended and a Special

Thanks to our Leads, Mid's and Sweeps for herding the "Cats"

and getting everyone to Cloverdale.

Thanks to our photographers, David Bunch, Essy Fariab and Katherine Zimmer Burke.

Also, Thank You to the staff at Hamburger Ranch for hosting us again.

Hope to see you 1/1/2026!!!!

Redwood Region Photos

Find our event photos albums on Flickr

Board Meeting Minutes

Eileen Gaines


The next Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 28th from 7 pm. to 9 Torches in Petaluma at 256 Petaluma Blvd North.

Our monthly Board meetings are open to all Redwood Region Members. The club will buy your dinner; you pay for your beverage.

If you’re interested in joining the next meeting via Zoom, send me an email and I will forward you the meeting link.  

You can read previous Board meeting minutes here.

From the Editor

David Bunch

der Riesenbaum Editor

I hope you enjoy this month's der Riesenbaum.

If you have an article you'd like to include in a future issue, please email me.

Redwood Goodie Store
Dress in style and get your Redwood Region branded items in our Goodie Store.

Visit Redwood's on-line Goodie Store here.

der Sponsors

Porsche Marin

When you want the best selection and prices on new, used and pre-owned Porsche vehicles, Porsche Marin offers exactly what you’re looking for. 911, Boxster, Cayman, Cayenne, Macan, Panamera and more.

Mill Valley

415 578-9101

About der Riesenbaum

der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members about Club activities and other related matters of interest. 

We encourage letters to the editor, feedback, questions and suggestions about our newsletter and the Redwood Region in general. Want to contribute to the newsletter? Submit photos and articles about Club events or related activities. Please submit your entry by the 5th day of the month for inclusion in that month's newsletter. Articles received after the deadline will be considered for the next month's newsletter. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all materials submitted for publication.

Want to reach an audience of Porsche enthusiasts with your marketing message? Consider advertising in der Riesenbaum. Contact the sponsorship director for more information and rates.

All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original content herein provided credit is given to the author, the der Riesenbaum and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers, or its members.

Thanks for supporting our Club!
David Bunch
der Riesenbaum Editor
Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region

Cover photo courtesy of Paige Gaines

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