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Redwood Drama Program
Redwood’s beloved drama program, The Ensemble Production Company (EPIC), not only teaches students basic theater skills, but also creates a family within it. At each level of this four year sequential program, students assume increasing responsibility for the running of the company while cultivating their acting and technical capabilities.
In support of excellence in Arts at Redwood, the Foundation has approved an annual grant to fund critical components of the program including acting workshops, directors for mainstage and in-class plays, musical theater vocal classes as well as music and technical direction for plays and workshops. This spring, the Foundation also approved grants for a new projector to allow for scenic set projections and watching video work and for a new portable digital mixer and microphones to ensure the audience can hear the full cast of our talented student actors and singers!
Thanks to the support of our community, these grants will directly impact every drama student on a daily basis as well as the entire Redwood Community who benefit from their amazing performances! Stay up to date on EPIC’s performances by visiting their website and following them on Instagram.
We are So Close to Our
$1.2 Million Goal!
Haven’t donated yet? 
Help us cross the finish line!
Your gift to the Foundation is truly benefiting

GIANT appreciation to our Community Partner Co-Chairs, Michele Barnes and Linda Fassig-Knauer, as well as Co-Chair alum Jen Rassmussen, for their leadership in managing and growing the Foundation’s Community Partner Program!

Are you a local business owner? Michele and Linda would love to talk to you about becoming a Foundation Partner and promoting your business to the Redwood Community! Contact them at communitypartners@redwoodhsfoundation.org  or visit our website for more information.
We are thrilled that we are able to gather in person again and are looking forward to hosting these upcoming events:
  • May 16: Sequoians Senior Awards Banquet (by invitation)
  • May 19: Titan Party (by invitation)
  • May 23: Redwood Senior Athletics Banquet (by invitation, hosted by Benchwarmers)
  • May 25: Scholarship Awards Event (by invitation)
  • May 27: Redwood Alumni Avenue of the Giants Speaker Day and Banquet. Get your tickets here!
Be sure to follow the Foundation on all of the social media platforms that you utilize to stay current on not only Foundation news, but also other important information and events happening at Redwood and the larger community. 
Funding Excellence in Academics, Arts and Athletics
To advance the quality of education at Redwood High School by providing the tools
to inspire and prepare Redwood students for their world in and beyond high school.
Vicki Strotz
Becket Colombo
Annual Giving Chairs
Victoria Camelio
Tracey Van Hooser
Deb Cook
& Social Media
Rebecca Caspersen
Academic Allocation
Jessica Edelen
Karol Towns
Kevin Vasquez
Scholarship Allocations
Bryn Argov
Rob Leonard
Community Partners
Michele Barnes
Linda Fassig-Knauer
Jennifer Rasmussen
Kristin Abbott
Maria Kallmeyer
Alumni Association
Ross Gondak
Marilee Rogers
David Sondheim
Development Director
Kathleen Chaput