Redwood’s beloved drama program, The Ensemble Production Company (EPIC), not only teaches students basic theater skills, but also creates a family within it. At each level of this four year sequential program, students assume increasing responsibility for the running of the company while cultivating their acting and technical capabilities.
In support of excellence in Arts at Redwood, the Foundation has approved an annual grant to fund critical components of the program including acting workshops, directors for mainstage and in-class plays, musical theater vocal classes as well as music and technical direction for plays and workshops. This spring, the Foundation also approved grants for a new projector to allow for scenic set projections and watching video work and for a new portable digital mixer and microphones to ensure the audience can hear the full cast of our talented student actors and singers!
Thanks to the support of our community, these grants will directly impact every drama student on a daily basis as well as the entire Redwood Community who benefit from their amazing performances! Stay up to date on EPIC’s performances by visiting their website and following them on Instagram.