MARCH 25 - APRIL 1, 2024
School resumes on Tuesday,
April 2, 2024.
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PreACT Test
April 9, 2024
Grades 9 & 10 only (No School for Grades 11 & 12)
PreACT Secure is an online summative assessment aligned to the ACT test and the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards that measures what students have learned in the areas of English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
Please visit the Counseling Website for more information.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Heather Klang, School Counselor and RAHS PreACT Test Coordinator, at (608) 768-8928 ext. 1162.
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Parents and Students Should Check Attendance Regularly
Log in to your Skyward Family Access Account
To excuse any absence, the attendance desk must receive one of the following stating the reason for the absence:
All Athletes are required to bring a professional note to the attendance office by 3:30 p.m. on the day of the appointment in order to participate in any practice or contest.
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass from the high school office before school or at lunch for early dismissal. A parent or guardian should contact the office before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the early dismissal.
- Parents do NOT need to come into school to pick up students.
- If the student returns to school that same day, they must check in upon return.
Contact us: Please contact Mikaela Tourdot, Attendance Administrative Assistant, at (608) 768-8928, Ext. 1101 or Katie Mathews, Associate Principal, at (608) 768-8928, Ext. 1102
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Senior Honors Night will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the CAL Center at Reedsburg Area High School.
- All award recipients, their immediate families, award presenters and specials guests are invited to attend.
- Award recipients will receive an emailed invitation to their school inbox from RAHS Counseling Staff at least one week prior to Senior Honors Night.
Class of 2024 Graduation
Friday, May 24, 2024 - 7:30 p.m.
RAHS Large Gym
Memorial Day
Monday, May 27, 2024
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The School District of Reedsburg Board of Education seeks input on a potential phase one project of the Long-Term Facilities Plan. Recently, a community-wide survey was distributed to residents to gather feedback and help the board determine its next steps.
Your feedback and direction from the survey about the first phase is extremely important; please take time to complete it before the Deadline of Friday, March 22, 2024.
| Use the one-time use code mailed to all residents. If you misplaced it, please contact the Central Office at (608) 524-2016 for a new code. |
Latest Edition Available
The Spring 2024 issue of Fearless Pursuits is now available online!
| Go to the website to learn more about the Long-Term Facilities Plan and Building Excellence at the School District of Reedsburg. | | |
Upcoming RAHS Music Events | |
March 19 - Spring Choir Concert - 7:00 p.m.
May 6 - Senior Music Awards Night - 7:00 p.m.
May 13 - Choir "Pops" Concert - 7:00 p.m.
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Athletic Director's Note: | Below are some reminders about the attendance and academic requirements to participate in Extracurriculars at RAHS. This is not a comprehensive list, and parents with questions should review the Code of Conduct found on the school’s website or contact the Activities Department. |
Spring sports have started! We need to make sure your student is safe and ready to start practice. Below are some reminders for parents/guardians and students with the steps to complete pre-season paperwork. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed and turned in to the high school office before the start of practice. Fees (step 3) must be paid on Skyward Family Access before the student can play in any competition.
Please contact Maggy Luer in the high school office with any questions or for updates on what your child needs to complete. Call (608) 768-8928 Ext. 1108 or email mluer@rsd.k12.wi.us.
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The RAHS Counseling website is loaded with resources for students and families. We invite you to check it often for information and updates:
Contact Us: Please contact RAHS Counseling Staff with questions or concerns by calling (608) 768-8928 Ext. 1158. To schedule an appointment with a school counselor, contact the school counseling secretary or a school counselor directly. Visit our website to learn more about what our office and staff provide.
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4K & Kindergarten Registration Is Open | |
Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. New students to the school district can enroll online using the following link:
4K & Kindergarten Registration
*Current 4K students will bring home a Kindergarten registration letter/form for parents to complete and return to their 4K teacher. You will not need to complete the online registration process. Building and classroom assignments will also be sent home to parents.
*There will not be an in-person 4K registration event this school year. If you need assistance with the registration process or have questions, please stop in or call the Central Office Building at (608) 524-2016.
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The School District of Reedsburg Food Market, The Den, is a FREE food market that is available to all. The Den drive-thru for community members is open most Tuesdays (see schedule below) from 3:30-5:30 p.m. or until all of the boxes have been distributed.
The Den will be closed during these dates in the 2023-2024 school year:
- March 26, 2024
- April 2, 2024
- May 28, 2024
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The Webb Care Closet is open to the public by appointment at Webb Middle School. Please contact the Webb Middle School office at (608) 768-8930 or email Lori Rose at lrose@rsd.k12.wi.us to make an appointment for another time.
Anyone is welcome to come and take what they need from the closet; there is a wide range of clothing sizes and clothing items.
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Graduates of the School District of Reedsburg have gone on to make extraordinary contributions throughout the world, in their neighborhoods, in the military, and in the arts. We are proud of the accomplishments of each graduate.
All Alumni: Please take a few moments to let us know of your current location and share comments about your experience in the School District of Reedsburg!
SDR Alumni List
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501 K Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959 Phone: (608) 524-2016 Fax: (608) 768-8927 Web: www.rsd.k12.wi.us | |
The School District of Reedsburg provides assurance that no student is discriminated against because
of the student’s sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or
parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability.
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