From Your Pastors
While 2020 seemed like the year than would never end, 2021 seems to have unfolded rapidly. The school year is well underway and we are emerging from a post pandemic world. Work, sports, the arts and other activities are resuming. Thanksgiving, Christmas and a new year are on the horizon. These months call us to reflect and give thanks for all that is blessing in our lives. Our parish communities of Assumption and St. Boniface have a strong tradition of generosity in stewardship and with the poor and people in need of support and material assistance from the gifts we have received in our own lives.
Thank you to those who have already begun to support the Food Drive by dropping off food or having it delivered and through PushPay.
Ways to contribute include:
Pushpay to donate. Your contribution will be used to purchase bulk food for the pantries. Select the “Food Drive” fund.
- Bring essential items listed below to Assumption and St. Boniface during the weekend liturgies, or during weekday Mass times.
- Order online and have it delivered to 64 Middagh Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201- att: Fr. Michael Callaghan
Essential Items Needed:
Pasta, Rice, Stuffing Mix, Mashed Potato Mix, Cereal, Tomato/Pasta Sauce, Canned vegetables, Canned Soups, Canned Juices, Canned Fruit, Instant Noodles (bowls/cups), Instant Oatmeal Packets, Mac ‘n Cheese (boxes or bowls), Saltines,Crackers, Hot Chocolate Packets.
Another area where we can extend our generosity is through the Annual Catholic Appeal. The ACA helps support ministries and direct services including housing, food security, immigration services, counseling, and senior services – all essential works that no one parish could do alone. The Annual Catholic Appeal concludes at the end of December. Here is where we stand to date:
Assumption: 42 households have joined the effort contributing $20,166.00 towards our goal of $25,587.00. That’s a little over 9% of the 445 registered households participating date. To meet our goal, we need just $5, 421.00 in additional support.
St. Boniface: 66 households have joined the effort contributing $27,517.69 toward our goal of $58,829.00. That’s 7% of the 946 registered households. This leaves a current shortfall of $27,517.95 needed in additional contributions.
To help facilitate participation before the end of the year, we will have an in-pew outreach the second weekend of December. There are also envelopes in the narthex of each church and there is the option of contributing through PushPay as well.
We are so very grateful to all who have joined us in contributing thus far to the ACA and Food Drive. In this week of All Saints and All Souls, may we continue to be inspired by the amazing women and men whose generosity has made our own lives possible.
Fr. Michael Callaghan, c.o. and Fr. Mark Lane, c.o.