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February 2022

Headshot of De’netta Benjamin-Miller

Greetings from the Executive Director

Dear Lindsey,

If a new year feels like a clean slate, Sojourner House will be filling this welcome to 2022 with good news, grace, and gratitude. We are grateful to the friends and funders who have quite literally made our continued work possible during this pandemic and the past year — our 30th anniversary of service.


Thankful to do our important work safely on behalf of our families, our staff continues to carry out our mission. Our good news in the months ahead will include an update on the Sojourner House MOMS Play Yard — an exciting outdoor project on track for completion in late spring. Before that, we will invite you to gather for tea wherever you are through an innovative event during the month of April.


Watch our website and email box for more soon — including our 2020-2021 Annual Report, full of coverage of accomplishments and, yes, our continued thanks. In the meantime, read on for our updates. 



De’netta Benjamin-Miller, LCSW

Executive Director

Welcoming Our New Director of Advancement

Meet Yvonne Hudson

Yvonne Hudson comes to Sojourner House with a background of managing development and communications at diverse nonprofits, including Quantum Theatre. Her career roles have taken her to New York and Washington, D.C., including an early stint working at a drug and alcohol counseling agency. That experience has stayed with her. Now, she’s excited to again focus on the importance of recovery support here.

In her own words: “I'm really excited about being at Sojourner House to make a difference, create new relationships, and build on what the organization does in the community.”

Learn More about Yvonne

Stories of Resilience and Endurance

During the 2020 to 2021 fiscal year, Sojourner House has overcome challenges as well as celebrated victories. We are excited to share these stories of resilience and endurance in our upcoming Annual Report. Keep an eye on your virtual mailbox to see that report when it’s delivered in a new and digital format.

If you prefer to receive a printed report by postal mail, please request one at [email protected].

The Victorian Tea Travels to You in 2022!

The Victorian Tea event has looked a little different during the last two years while we’ve hosted this traditional event in non-traditional ways. This year, new and exciting options will continue to support this important Sojourner House event.

In April, the Victorian Tea is coming to your doorstep! And when you register to participate, you will be sent a “Victorian Tea in a Box” so you can celebrate in style. During our designated “Tea Month” this spring, you’ll sip your tea with your friends and family while wearing your fascinator…and perhaps your favorite comfy clothes. Watch your inbox and our social channels for details on how to order a Tea Kit!

A New Way To Support & Learn About Sojourner House Online

You can now explore our website's new section created specifically to help visitors learn about and support our mission. Find resources on recognizing addiction, learning about treatment options, and supporting those in recovery. Learn more about getting involved with Sojourner House through volunteering, donating, and connecting with us on social media. And, if you would like to have a representative to come speak to your event or group, invite us here and a staff member will contact you.

Check out the support section of our website today — and be sure to share these great ways to get involved with your community.

Recovery in the News

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Our mission is to offer compassionate,

faith-based recovery services to mothers and their children.

412-441-7783 | [email protected]

5460 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

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