Dear friends,

Are you someone who approaches the end of the year with a sense of reflection on the months prior, or eyes forward with hopes for the days ahead? I find myself falling somewhere in the middle, while also trying to revel in every moment of the present day.  A best friend of mine often reminds me, “Keep your head where your feet are,” a useful mantra for the times where either dismay over the past or worry for the future distract me from the joy and beauty in the here and now. I think this time of year, we can often feel pulled by the past as well as the future. As long as we remain grounded, it can be a beautiful thing to reflect on how far we have come, our resolve and resilience, and feel the emotions arising from the hard times. It can also be rejuvenating to set our hopes and intentions for the future and be curious about the unknown ahead.
Here at MaineShare, we have recently spent time looking back, through the development of our Annual Report and celebrations with our Board and Member Organizations. We are also looking forward to good times ahead, as our Annual Appeal has been sent out, and we are finalizing details of exciting changes ahead. We look forward to sharing more with you all in 2022!
Continue to be kind to yourself during this time of year, and read on to reflect with our member organizations.

In reflection and with gratitude,

Amanda Langley (she/her/hers), Director
On behalf of the The Board of MaineShare
Member Updates and Upcoming Events Worth Your Time
Anti-Bias Toolkit and upcoming events at Holocaust and Human Rights Center
The educators at Holocaust and Human Rights Center have created an Anti-bias Toolkit to help schools undertake anti-bias work. The document offers useful resources that help students and teachers make impactful changes and create safe and inclusive communities.
Also, as part of the Americans and the Holocaust program series at the Bangor Pubic Library, Erica Nadelhaft will present “Through a Glass Darkly: Maine’s HHRC Archives Illuminate the Struggle of Even Prominent Jews to Find Refuge in America in a Very Dark Era” at 5:30 p.m. on January 10th. Click here for more information on this and other upcoming events, including the Distinguished Lecture Series!
Achieve your New Year's Resolutions with help from New Ventures Maine
As you set out to accomplish your goals for 2022, New Ventures Maine (NVME) can help. NVME tuition-free workshops provide tools and support to help you look for a new job, further your education, start a business, or manage your money. Upcoming online workshops include:
My Next Career Move, Self-paced: Take charge of your career and create an action plan to achieve success. Review your skills and interests, identify high-growth job fields, and explore training options.
My Money Works: This interactive class helps you gain the skills and confidence you need to reduce debt, find money for savings, plan for retirement, and achieve greater financial stability.
Venturing Forth: Business Planning for Entrepreneurs: This 14-week course (January-April 2022) takes you through in-depth exploration of your customer, competition, marketing, taxes, financing, and legal aspects. 
Learn more about these and others here or by calling 800-442-2092.
NewsCenter Maine highlights the Wabanaki Women’s Economic Mobility Hub
NewsCenter Maine recently shared a story highlighting the Wabanaki Women's Economic Mobility Hub, a partnership between the Maine Women's Fund and Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness to create healing through a deeper understanding of the barriers to economic mobility and security for women by listening, creating, dreaming, and believing. The Hub engaged 38 partnerships across multiple sectors, reaching 1,452 Wabanaki women and 936 children, while actively developing strategies and implementing programs to overcome barriers to economic mobility. Watch the NewsCenter story here!
Tips to keep pets safe in winter from the Maine Federation of Humane Societies
Winter’s chill brings many dangers for our companions. Check out the following tips from the Maine Federation of Humane Societies to keep pets safe.

  • Towel dry your pet as soon as he/she comes inside, paying special attention to the feet and in-between the toes.
  • Never shave your pet down to the skin in winter, as a longer coat will provide more warmth.
  • Use pet-friendly ice melts whenever possible.
  • Antifreeze is a lethal poison for dogs and cats. Be sure to thoroughly clean up any spills and consider using products that contain propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol.
  • Feeding your pet a little bit more during the cold weather months can provide much-needed calories.
  • Make sure your companion animal has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafts.
  • Remember, if it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet, so keep your animals inside. If left outdoors, pets can freeze, become disoriented, lost, stolen, injured or killed.
Maine Farmland Trust celebrates successes of 2021
In 2021, Maine Farmland Trust worked with over 20 farmers to protect an anticipated 2,668 acres of farmland. One of those farmers was Laura Neale of Black Kettle Farm in Lyman. As a farmer in Maine’s most densely-developed region, Laura says, “I have a greater sense of agency as a small-scale vegetable producer and landowner by ensuring that this farm will remain a protected and vibrant space for generations to come. Collaborating with MFT was a great reminder of the necessity of working farmland and open spaces in our communities and has inspired me to be an even stronger advocate for conservation.” 
In addition to protecting farmland, MFT distributed $1.3 million directly to farmers through purchased easements and business plan implementation grants and worked with 15 farms through their individualized farm business planning programs. Click here to find out more about these programs and the other impacts MFT has made this year!
Maine Resource Recovery Association planning Solid Waste Summit in Spring 2022
Maine Resource Recovery Association is planning a Solid Waste Summit in Spring of 2022. This event will provide information on the latest happenings in the recycling industry. For more information about MRRA or Recycling you can contact us by email at or by phone at 207-355-3104.
Maine Council of Churches and the BTS Center to hold public reading of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. sermon
On Monday, January 17, 2022, at 12:15pm, The Maine Council of Churches and The BTS Center will host an online public reading of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s sermon “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” This event will also include a reading of a new poem by Portland’s Poet Laureate Maya Williams commissioned for the occasion. 
Delivered in March of 1968 at Washington National Cathedral, this sermon is still prophetic over a half-century later, as we continue to struggle with the injustices of racism, war, poverty, and now also climate change and a global pandemic. Dr. King’s words point to a powerful truth – it is easier to sleep through a revolution than to be an active, thoughtful, engaged participant in the ongoing work of justice. Please join this public reading, reflection, and celebration of Dr. King’s message that will include multiple voices, contemplative music, and space for reflection. Click here to register!
Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault launches new and increased Language Access Policy

In 2021, MECASA launched a new, comprehensive language access policy in support of survivors and their loved ones who need an interpreter to access services and information. The policy includes compliance and ethical standards, definitions, guidance for working with interpreters, and best practices for agency outreach. Implementation of this policy also included a training series for advocates across the state. 85 staff from local centers attended a series of trainings on language access & interpretation, working with American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, and communication with folks with developmental and physical disabilities. Contact MECASA for more information on language access training or specialized tools and support.
This is just a small sampling of the critical work MaineShare members do to build a better Maine. Please join us in supporting and learning from the great work of ALL our member groups.
MaineShare | 207-622-0105| |