Summer 2018
Treasure in Clay...
seeking treasure hidden in darkness
Reflections thus far...
2018 has been a wonderful year. We enjoyed a fabulous trip to Uganda this spring and were encouraged by the progress in KabaGala and Kinoni. Below is an excerpt from a letter written to us from the Youth Ministry.

"As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. This year yields it's harvest having abundant blessings that our loving Father has granted us. We had one cow after our piggly project (this effort failed in the beginning) but from the support we got from you, we were enabled by God to have another cow and now we have two cows, of which we hope they are to conceive before this year ends. We also started a small credit and saving sacco (micro lending) within our group which have given us chance of taking (I believe they mean giving) loans with a very little interest and this has helped some friends in groups to own plots of land, building houses and others starting businesses like Boda Boda riding (this is a motorcycle taxi service).

We also launched missions to our neighbouring churches that were planted by our mother church KabaGala Baptist under Pastor Abel, teaching the Scripture in it's truthfulness encouraging our fellow leaders...we have reached Kiselaka...Kabalungi Baptist Church. We now have weekly discipleship classes in all those churches.

We are pleased to say Thank You. We commit ourselves to serve God whether we have less or more. We will always thank God our Creator..."


As I read this letter, I am encouraged by their tenacity and am reminded of the story from the fifth chapter of Luke. The fisherman had fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus stepped up to the shore as they were cleaning their nets after a disappointing night of fishing. He asked if He could use one of their boats. Peter settled him in his boat and pushed a short distance from shore. After Jesus finished addressing the crowd, He urged Peter to push into the deep, put down the nets and try again. Peter was clearly taken with what he had seen and heard from the Master but told Him they had fished all night to no avail. "...but at Your word I will (do as you said and) lower the nets (again)." (Amp) We know the rest of the story. The nets were not just full, but almost breaking.

Again ...what a powerful word. Look through the Scriptures and see how often our Lord says again. He is the Lord of our "agains" and is never short on new chances, beginnings or seasons. Where might He be challenging you? If He is, embrace a fresh start. Their obedience not only produced a tremendous catch, it changed the course of their lives forever. It just might yours! Try again!


We held a conference in a new location. It was well attended and the response to the Gospel was such an encouragement. It was attended by leaders from different denominations. The group was attentive and a blessing to us!

We continue to hold a one day leadership development day while in the area. The group has grown and is flourishing. These brothers and sisters can teach us so much about commitment and perseverance. We received reports, lifted each other up and treated them to a great meal at the hotel where we stay. It is a blessing for them, and delights our hearts to fellowship with our family there.

Ongoing projects and updates...

We continue three feeding projects, two in Uganda and one in Kenya. As of our last report, the number served five days a week is now close to 700 students. We praise God for your ongoing generosity! Without you, many of these children would have only one or two meals a week. Thank you...

Treasure was able to help purchase a newer vehicle for Pastor Abel. This is the second time we have been able to help a pastor in this regard. This is such a blessing to them as they are on the road serving many congregations; delivering the Gospel, supplies, goods and much needed food.

Four more Homes for Hope have been built. This is one of our favorite outreach projects as it not only provides a home for a needy family, it becomes a lighthouse/Bible Study in the village. Lives are being impacted in a tremendous way through this effort.

The work is continuing in Kumi, Uganda. The conference center is well under way. Some 100 homeless children and teens are being housed and fed. There are outreaches every Saturday to the village. The vision to begin a Bible/Vocational center is being launched.

There are other endeavors ongoing and in the works, but we wanted to give you highlights of the year so far. We so appreciate your faithfulness!


A small group will return to Kenya in September. We have another extraordinary opportunity to reach God's people with encouragement, equipping believers through the Word of God. As we work with established leadership from different denominations, the Church (not a building) is empowered to do the work of the Kingdom. Christians, in this area are in the vast minority. It is our hope to furnish Bibles to this group. Many leaders do not have their own Bible. The cost of one Bible is approximately $15.

We would ask you to continue in prayer for Treasure. We count on that support first and foremost.

Needs always arise and we give into the lives of God's people and Kingdom efforts where we can. Thank you for helping us make this happen!

Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing,

JoNell B Gerland

Treasure in Clay is a fully recognized 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible and go directly into the work of the overhead, no percentage taken. You can easily donate through the Donate button at the bottom of this newsletter or send your gift to:

Treasure in Clay
PO Box 925414
Houston, TX 77292
10560 St John Dr
Iola, TX 77861