With each year-end comes reflection - a year our Lord has given is finished, and, as someone has said, we shall not pass this way again.
Our men's theology breakfast finished
The Deep Things of God - How the Trinity Changes Everything. This has become a foundational read for me, elevating the Trinity to its precious, fundamental place, forming the superstructure of the Gospel, establishing the pre-creation love of God in "the happy land of the Trinity," and making prayer simply an "entering in" to the already vital life of the Godhead. Highly recommended (particularly in a discussion group setting that can chew things slowly and get through the slog of the early chapters).
Our family also finished watching
American Gospel. To its shame, some of our nation's most sought-after products and exports are distorted teachings (RBI encounters this very frequently overseas). This two-part series dismembers them one-by-one, and is not afraid to name names. A must see (but allow plenty of time for discussion and the marathon second half).
And we are finishing RBI's year. Some highlights, by God's mercy, include:
- Completing a pediatric cataract project, with the help of eMite, which gave life-altering surgery and a Gospel presentation to 14 children and their families. eMite's celebration video is here.
- Supporting the blind Philippine disciplemakers as they lead several dozen weekly school-based gatherings of blind children - a fabulous opportunity to speak into the lives of these children.
- Assisting with the RBI office in Cebu, an outpost far from most services for the blind in Manila.
- Providing partial funding for the critical summer camp program for blind children, where many go on with the Lord.
- Developing several low-cost solar-powered audio players. By God's grace, we hope to begin distribution within a week or so. Pray for spiritual fruit from these devices.
- Beginning to gather Gospel content for these players. We are greatly excited by the possibilities with various needy audiences.
- Speaking of God's faithfulness at a strategic Bible school in Greenville, SC.
- Exploring work in new countries. Pray for God's clear leading as we look outward.
Thanks for your participation this year. We welcome your thoughts, questions, and sharings about how our Lord is leading you.