Material release to SOS DPA requests shows that the Saint Paul Bike Coalition also questioned safety in an email on 9.22.22 to city officials Alice Messner, Andy Rodriquez, and Sean Kershaw (Blog 6, pg 28: Data Dump):
"Every year, I bike in cities around the US and the world. In New York City, Chicago, Boulder, Boston, Oakland, San Francisco, and even here, cities take an 8-9 foot parking lane and make one-way bikeways. They are very safe. We have a ton of data on this. They don't even bother to put them up on a curb. Many of these places have snow but they plow. It works."
More intel sourced by SOS DPA requests sheds light on the city's planning process and the constant ear they had for the Saint Paul Bike Coalition. We have these linked below and on our website.
Meanwhile, we hope you get out there and enjoy Summit Avenue greenspace as it was intended by those early park planners -- as an oasis in the city for all to enjoy.