Dear Global Christian Warriors,
With today's election in the USA righteousness may be beginning to be restored. Remembering, refreshing, and reclaiming the Godly roots of the USA, found in the Mayflower Compact, signed November 11, 1620, could not be more timely. Here's a key insight from our brother, Bill Cook:
The Mayflower Compact—a call to reclamation
My 11th great grandfather on my mother’s side of the family was Richard Warren, a signer of the Mayflower Compact. My 13th great grandfather on my father’s side of the family was William Bradford, co-writer of the Mayflower compact, governor of the Massachusetts colony, and credited with inventing the free market system--Two of 41 who signed The Mayflower Compact.
This historic document along with the faith and toil of the brave men and women who endured such great hardship, the foundations of a new nation were established—a beacon of religious and economic freedom in covenant to one another toward the glory of God. And unto Bradford’s death his gravestone warns us, “What our forefathers with so much difficulty secured, do not basely relinquish.”
The Mayflower Compact declares, “Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honor of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.”
With these words, 41 men agreed to govern in submission and obedience to God. And it wasn’t easy. Bradford wrote in “of Plymouth Plantation”, “In two or three month’s time half of their company died...scarcely 50 remained, and sometimes two or three persons died in a day... that while they had health or strength, they forsook none that had need of them.” Their Virginia Company Charter, however, called for common ownership of land, property, food, drink, clothing, and provisions. Bradford saw that this socialist concept was detrimental to the colony because it inspired laziness and a lack of productivity. He drew from the Mayflower Compact to make a change for the general good of the colony. He abolished the socialist structure, giving ownership of land to each person and two days a week for “their own private employment.”
This was the first capitalist system and the colony then prospered. As America embraces socialism and human secularism, let us remember that only 41 men began a nation with their signatures. We have far greater numbers today. As we commemorate the 402 Anniversary of the Mayflower Compact on November 11, let us return to the purity and purpose of this foundational covenant of governing in all due submission and obedience to God and the advancement of the Christian faith. Let us deliberately and intentionally reclaim, as Bradford exhorts “what our forefathers with so much difficulty secured.” As Christ said in Matthew 19:26, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” My grandfathers knew it from first-hand experience. They lived it. And so can we.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,
Bill Wilson
More information on this Friday's "Refreshing of the Mayflower Compact" is found at our website focusing on the USA: Join us this Friday November 11 at 11 AM Pacific time for a zoom call to restore those Godly roots through repentance.
Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.
No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests.
In Luke 8:3 we see three women who understood the mighty move of God in front of them and wished to provide "from their substance." The Lord Jesus tells us in John 14:12 that he who believes in Him will do greater works for the Kingdom because He is now with the Father. We believe this move of repentance, starting in Africa, is such a work.
Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU!--whatever amount you give, we pray that you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.
God bless you.
Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
you tube channel: national day of repentance
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