January 24, 2022

Dear friends,

After a winter season that began with mild temperatures and rain, this week winter seems to have arrived here in Southern Maine. We've had two snowstorms, with another on the way, and the world is blanketed in white. We shovel off the cars and sidewalks, maybe enjoy a snowshoe or time sledding, and then retreat back into our homes for cozy nights, though we remain cognizant that such comforts are not available to all.

Winter is a season that speaks deeply of refuge — of finding the ways of nourishing ourselves and our communities when the weather and the world are harsh and unpredictable. We find community and courage, pockets of resourcefulness and strength. We understand ourselves and this ever-changing world in new ways.

In this season, we at The BTS Center are thinking deeply about refuge and, more specifically, the biological concept of refugia — places of shelter that endure in times of crisis — which Debra Rienstra elucidates so beautifully in her book Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth. Refugia is a concept we're using to shape our thinking and programming this spring, and we hope you will join us for a very special online evening with Debra Rienstra on February 16.

Of course, lament is also a place of refuge, and we continue to be committed to offering space for grief in the face of climate change. Our next Lament with Earth event is coming up next Thursday, February 2.

In the months ahead we will have many opportunities to gather online and in person to explore what it means to be refuge and refugia for one another. We hope you will be part of these conversations!

With best wishes,

The BTS Center Team

Join us for Refugia Faith:

An Evening with Debra Rienstra!

On Thursday, February 16, The BTS Center will welcome author Debra Rienstra for a conversation on her book, Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth. The evening will feature music from Pax Ressler, a talk-back with Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill (Executive Director of The BTS Center), and a panel of young climate activists and thinkers.

Refugia Faith is informing the work of The BTS Center this spring, and we invite you to consider attending a follow-up, online Lenten retreat we will offer in March, co-facilitated by Rev. Doug Clark and Rev. Eileen Gebbie. More information is coming soon!

About Debra Rienstra

Debra Rienstra is professor of English at Calvin University, where she has taught since 1996, specializing in early British literature and creative writing. She is the author of four books — on motherhood, spirituality, worship, and ecotheology/climate change — as well as numerous academic essays, literary essays, and poems. Her most recent book is Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth (Fortress 2022), a book that combines theology, nature writing, and biological principles to consider how Christians must adapt our faith and practice for a climate-altered planet. Rienstra is also the host of the Refugia Podcast and writes bi-weekly for The Twelve, a blog connected with The Reformed Journal, writing about spirituality, pop culture, the church, the arts, higher ed, and more.

Join us for these Upcoming Programs in the New Year!

  • Refugia Faith Lenten Retreat
  • Thursday, March 23 • 10.00am - 3.00pm (Eastern) • Online
  • More information coming soon!

What we're reading, listening to, and engaging:

  • We're pondering how The BTS Center and our communities can function as refugia in a climate-changed and changing world

The BTS Center | 207.774.5212 | info@thebtscenter.org | www.thebtscenter.org

 Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. We offer theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.
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