April 1, 2022
Update: Community Sponsorship of Refugees
Praise God, we’ve reached our goal of $35,000 needed to begin the sponsorship of Abraham and Mewael!
We’ve been absolutely overwhelmed by the generous response we’ve received from our community. From our students raising $3,442, to over 55 individual donations, to numerous emails and encouragements. Your love has been on display and we are profoundly moved.

We teach our students to do real-work that meets the needs real-needs of real-people, and that is what we have done here. Together we have made it possible to submit an application to sponsor Abraham and Mewael and to further re-unite a Christian family from our community.

Raising these funds was the first major step. As the sponsorship progresses there will be more ways to get involved. We will continue to communicate updates as we hope to see ongoing support from our students and wider community.

Thank you for your generosity and confidence in our mission.  
If you missed the past update emails or the original story you can catch up here.