On April 16, students in the 9th and 10th grades will participate in the preACT Secure assessment.
To ensure an appropriate testing environment for the PreACT Secure, April 16 will be a “9th and 10th grade Only” day, meaning only ninth and tenth-grade scholars will attend school.
On April 16, transportation will be provided like a regular school day. Ninth and Tenth Grade scholars will be released at the conclusion of the assessment at noon for standard-time students. Students who receive accommodations should reach out to their case manager to find out the approximate time they may finish their exam. Grab-and-Go lunches will be available to all students before they leave for the day. If students need to stay for transportation home, the only option available for them to be will be the cafeteria. A large number of students will be testing throughout the day, until dismissal, and there will be a need for a quiet atmosphere throughout the building.
Students must bring their charged Chromebooks and charger on test day as the PreACT is a computer-based assessment.
Please encourage your scholar to take the test seriously, and do the best they can. With your support and partnership, we will ensure every child is on track to graduate ready for college, career, and community!
If you have any questions regarding this assessment, please contact Katie Medema (kmedema@madison.k12.wi.us) and Lori Schacht DeThorne (lschachtdeth@madison.k12.wi.us), West HS Assessment Coordinators.