MSCR Ski & Snowboard Club
MSCR Outdoor Adventure Club
National Honor Society Updates
We have some updates about our National Honor Society! This year, half the number of service hours are required. Due to the pandemic, 30 hours of volunteering is required, and possible extensions can also be granted through the end of the school year, if requested by the student applying. At the beginning of March, 2021, Juniors who have a GPA of 3.5 and above, who have a strong discipline record, will be invited by email and US mail to apply to become a member of NHS. Their applications, including record of at least 2 different volunteer service activities, and two short essays (to be announced in the letter of invitation), will be due a few weeks later. More info and specific requirements can always be found in the Student Handbook.
Interested in Joining World Building Club?
President: Guilhem Ane
Meets: Wednesdays at 3 p.m.
Worldbuilding Club is a club where members build worlds. Every week, members work on worlds (individually or in groups) by using a variety of online tools. Members meet to work on their worlds, share and give advice on each other's worlds, and discuss a unique worldbuilding topic. Topics include creating languages, technology, culture, geography, religion, and more. Worldbuilding is useful for anyone who is interested in writing, art, or even role playing games like D&D. It even teaches skills that are critical to analyzing our world and to develop consciousness of the problems that 21st Century societies face.
Mental Health Week of Action
SAVE THE DATE - March 15th - 19th
The Raise Your Voice Club and the Community Problem Solving Club will be hosting a virtual Mental Health Week of Action from March 15 - 19.
Plans include virtual guest speakers and interviews, a student panel, and resources that students and staff can access throughout the week and beyond.
Save the date and get ready for this exciting week!
West Family Mental Health Support Night
Join us for our Family Support Night! Learn more about mental health and build community with parents through shared experience. Students are encouraged to join with you as we discuss concerns related to mental health and wellbeing. The event will take place via zoom on Feb. 8th from 6-7pm for English speaking families OR Feb. 15th from 6-7pm for Spanish speaking families.
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences
Our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 10 from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm and Thursday, February 11 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Conferences give you a chance to connect with teachers if your student is struggling or if there are any concerns that you would like to share directly with staff. If your student is doing well, you may not need a conference or may only need to schedule a conference with specific teachers.
If your student is doing well, we encourage you to reflect individually with your student on what is working and look for areas of growth. You can use this form to guide your discussion. If there are questions that arise from that discussion, please email your student’s teacher for follow up.
Information about how to schedule conferences will be shared in early February. Please check your email for more information. If you have questions, please contact Cindy Wiesner in the Regent Office at 608.204.4108 or
Student Voice Focus Groups
During the first semester of this school year, we met with our first cohort of the Student Voice Focus Groups for guided panels to discuss the culture at West High School. These groups were beneficial for both our staff and our students - students were given a place to share their stories, their views and their opinions, and staff were able to receive feedback in an organized manner, in order to implement changes in their classrooms.
As we start the second semester, we’d like to invite more students to create our second cohort of the Student Voice Focus Groups. Any and every student is invited - we are looking for students who are willing to share their stories and experiences so we can continue to make West a more inclusive place for all. Our staff want to continue to provide space where students are seen, heard and valued. We plan on meeting once a month on Wednesdays. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please fill out this form and Coach Gaines will be in contact with you.
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