Total Athlete Performance (TAP, in conjunction with West Athletics/MWABA are excited to provide an amazing opportunity for West student athletes (current and incoming freshmen) this summer. TAP will be leading cutting edge speed/agility and strength and conditioning programs for any athlete interested in learning how to take care of your body and maximize performance throughout the summer.
WHEN: June 14 through August 5 (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays; no training July 4)
WHERE: Randall Elementary School (1802 Regent Street, Madison, WI 53726)
TOTAL COST: $50.00 Cash, Check, PayPal App (scholarships available) [OR $52.25 if paying by Credit Card on website]
Students will have the choice to attend one of two sessions:
(1) 8am-9am - Female Athletes
(2) 9:15am-10:15am - Male Athletes
Each session will start with a warm-up specific to the demands of the training session that day.
Monday - Speed and Total Body Lift
Tuesday - Agility/Game Speed/Upper Lift
Wednesday - Speed and Total Body Lift
Thursday - Agility/Game Speed/Upper Lift
The goal is to teach and educate the athletes in every parameter of strength and conditioning which includes all but not limited to of the following: Warm Up Techniques, Fundamental Movements, Sprinting, Top Velocity Sprinting, Agility, Game Speed, Muscle Building, Strength Training, Power Development, Nutrition, Recovery.
Athletes should complete the Registration Form - and then provide payment.
Payment Options:
(1) $50.00 - cash or a check (made out to MWABA) and given to Natalie Loranger in the ASH office
(2) $50.00 - PayPal App (via QR Code)
(4) $0.00 - Scholarship (West Athletic Dept will confirm you qualify for free/reduced lunch)
[Or mail payment to: MWABA, PO Box 5461, Madison, WI 53705-5461]
A summer pass will be issued to the athlete after all documents are received.
DEADLINE: Please respond by June 10th!
Go Regents!
MWABA (Madison West Athletic Booster Association)
Twitter: @west_athletic